Basic life support and AED in adult

Algorithm of basic life support in adult

Since we should always follow the algorithm SSS ABC, here is a step-by-step sequence:

S – safety Make sure that you, the patient and any bystanders are safe.
SSS ABC Algorithm (D)
S – stimulate Assess the patient's level of consciousness. Speak loudly to the patient and, if he does not respond, shake his shoulders.
SSS ABC Algorithm
S – shout for help Shout for help loudly.
SSS ABC Algorithm
A – airway Turn the patient face up if necessary. Then tilt his head back and lift the chin to open the airway.
SSS ABC Algorithm
B – breathing To determine whether the patient is breathing normally, look at his chest, listen and try to feel the exhaled airflow on your face. Check for the breathing for 10 seconds. If you have any doubt whether the breathing is normal, act as if the patient is not breathing normally and start CPR.
SSS ABC Algorithm
C – CPR Start CPR by chest compressions in an adult patient.
SSS ABC Algorithm

The letter C can also mean circulation, more precisely blood circulation, which we support by the correctly performed CPR.

The patient is not breathing. What will be your next steps?

  • 1. Call EMS
    • You are alone in the area of the incident. - Dial 155 or use the app Záchranka. In both cases, turn on the loudspeaker on your phone.
    • There are more rescuers in the area of the incident. - If you are not alone, ask someone around for help. Tell him to call EMS and make sure that he followed your instructions.
    Sample image
  • 3. 2 rescue breaths
    Continue with chest compressions and rescue breaths in a ratio of 30 : 2.
  • 4. As soon as the AED is available, switch it on and follow its spoken/visual instructions.

    AED = automated external defibrillator - details on its use in chapter 2.6

    • You are alone in the area of the incident. - Leave the patient only if the AED is situated in your immediate proximity. Providing CPR has always priority over searching for the AED.
    • There are more rescuers in the area of the incident. - If the AED is available within walking distance, send one of the rescuers to bring the AED. A dispatcher will provide you with information about the location of the closest AED.
    Sample image

Parameters of the CPR in adults:

location of the chest compressions the centre of the patient's chest
compression depth 5–6 cm (no more than 6 cm)
compression rate 100–120/min
compression-breathing ratio 30 : 2
interruptions of the chest compressions for giving rescue breaths max. 10 seconds

Pulse palpation is not a reliable method to confirm the cardiac arrest; that is the reason why this step is omitted in the algorithm SSS ABC.

Response time of EMS is up to 20 minutes; during this period, the survival outcome depends on bystanders' decision to start high-quality CPR and, eventually, use the AED.

The following video recaps the whole algorithm.