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English for University Studies Summer School (2017) - early bird registration

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  • English for University Studies Summer School

    Regular price: 3900 CZK

    The English for University Studies Summer School is designed for pre-university and university students who need to improve their English language skills in order to meet their university language requirements. The aim of the summer school is to develop basic academic and study skills in English to at least the level considered to be sufficient for university studies. Specifically, the summer school focuses on developing abilities to read academic texts and use them in writing and speaking; critically listen to lectures while taking effective notes; speak in academic contexts and gain insight into basic principles of writing texts in an academic style. The sessions will also focus on English grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation as used in academic contexts. The summer school is taught by highly qualified and experienced Masaryk University and international teaching staff who are dedicated to preparing students to operate successfully at an academic level. Each one week learning cycle integrates a specific academic and English language study focus, which enables students flexibly combine their study load.

    Masaryk University Language Centre
    31st July – 25th August 2017

    Programme is divided into the four weeks with different focus: Introduction to Academic English, Reading skills, Listening skills, Speaking skills, Writing skills, Practical use of English in academic context.

    The summer school programme is flexible and can be combined according to individual needs. Each participant can follow the whole summer school programme, which is highly recommended, or they can combine any number of weeks they find interesting.

    Designed for: pre-university and university students who need to improve their English language skills in order to meet their university language requirements develop basic academic skills in English improve their study skills in English.
    • reading academic texts and using them in writing and speaking
    • critical listening to lectures while taking effective notes
    • speaking in academic contexts with emphasis on oral presentations and discussions in seminars
    • writing with emphasis on English academic writing style and the diversity of genres in academic contexts
    • English grammar as used in academic contexts
    • English vocabulary as used in academic contexts
    • English pronunciation as used in academic contexts

    More information can be found here.

    • early-bird 3 600 CZK / 135 EUR / person / week
    • standard 3 900 CZK / 145 EUR / person / week
    16 students

Total: 3 600 CZK incl. VAT