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Balet - začátečníci – podzim 2019 (c964a)

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Úterý 11:00 - 12:00
Hrad - malá tělocvična
doc. Mgr. Hana Bubníková

Pro objednání je účastník povinen se seznámit s pravidly BOZP a PO.

  • Ballet

    The main goals of the educational process involve: - the improvement of the locomotive abilities and fitness - the impact on the positive approach towards sports activities considered as the protection against conflicts, civilization diseases and stress - the support of students healthy lifestyle The course focuses on the classical dance (ballet) training. Beginners: Registered students do not need to have any experience with ballet, only the interest in learning something new is welcome.
    • Faculty of Sports Studies

    The course always accepts the level of students skills.

Total: 780 CZK incl. VAT