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English Language Focus (spring 2020) - Early Bird

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  • English Language Focus (spring 2020)

    Regular price: 180 EUR

    The Summer School is intended to help teachers, lecturers and academics acquire English language skills which enable them to develop and run successful courses in English. The course is designed for professionals delivering their degree programmes to multi-cultural groups through the medium of English language. It aims to improve their English proficiency for teaching purposes and to provide valuable insight into English grammar, pronunciation and academic style. It offers training and practice in all language skills in academic contexts, in speaking, writing, listening and reading.

    13. 7. – 17. 7. 2020
    Language centre of Masaryk University, Komenského náměstí 2, Brno
    A2 – B2
    2 ECTS (TBC)
    Early Bird (1.6.) 155 EUR
    Standard (3.7.) 180 EUR

Total: 155 EUR incl. VAT