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Digitální revalidace karty ISIC pro rok 2024/2025 na Přírodovědecké fakultě

    Digital revalidation of the ISIC card for 2024/2025 at the Faculty of Science

    Digital revalidation is used to extend the validity of the international ISIC card.

    The validity of the ISIC card within MU is not affected by digital revalidation. Students in the first year of bachelor's studies and students who have not yet been issued an ISIC card do not order revalidation.
    Digital revalidation for a given academic year can be ordered if you are enrolled in full-time study in that year or if you meet the enrolment conditions and have applied for enrolment.
    Once the order has been paid, the validity of the ISIC card will be automatically extended the next day at the latest. The status of the order can be checked at any time in the Shopping Center application - > My orders.
    You can check the validity of the card in the IS application -> Cards -> Overview of exporting an active relationship to the school.

Total: 250 CZK incl. VAT
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Can be ordered until 31/7/2025 inclusive