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English courses in 2024/2025

Year-long general English courses

  • we open courses from the A1+ to C1+ levels,
  • the courses are taught by highly qualified and experienced teachers
  • the courses are designed to develop and improve your communicative skills, grammar and expand your vocabulary and practice all 4 skills,
  • coursebooks are included in the course fee
  • these courses run from September 30, 2024 to June 5, 2025,
  • on national holidays, during Christmas holidays (16.12.2024-5.1.2025) and spring holidays (10.-14.2.2025), no lessons take place
  • you will receive credits in the Long-life studies programme for completing the course – learn more in the Course Catalogue
  • the courses will take place near the historical city centre, within walking distance from Česká street, in Veveří 26; on University premises in air-conditioned, multimedia classrooms

Further details

English conversation courses

  • B1 - C1 levels
  • the courses are taught by highly qualified and experienced teachers
  • the courses run from October 1, 2024 and comprise 11 weeks of teaching. On national holidays, no lessons take place
  • you will receive credits in the Long-life studies programme for completing the course – learn more in the Course Catalogue
  • some courses will take place near the historical city centre, within walking distance from Česká street, in Veveří 26; on University premises in air-conditioned, multimedia classrooms

Further details

English grammar review courses

  • these courses focus on review of and exercises in the most problematic grammar structures found at the B1 and B2 levels
  • these courses are also suitable for students aiming to sit FCE and the Academic English exam at the MU Language Centre (CJV)
  • the courses run from October 1, 2024 and comprise 11 weeks of teaching. On national holidays, no lessons take place
  • you will receive credits in the Long-life studies programme for completing the course – learn more in the Course Catalogue
  • the courses will take place near the historical city centre, within walking distance from Česká street, in Veveří 26; on University premises in air-conditioned, multimedia classrooms

Further details

Advanced Cambridge exam (CAE) prep course

  • the courses run from September 30, 2024 to June 5, 2025 (year-long course)/ February 19, 2025 (fast track course)
  • the courses are taught by highly qualified and experienced teacher
  • coursebook is included in the course fee
  • you will receive credits in the Long-life studies programme for completing the course – learn more in the Course Catalogue
  • on national holidays, during Christmas holidays (16.12.2024-5.1.2025) and spring holidays (10.-14.2.2025), no lessons take place
  • our students can sit the exam at our partner, the Cambridge P.A.R.K. Testing Centre, at a reduced price
  • the courses will take place near the historical city centre, within walking distance from Česká street, in Veveří 26; on University premises in air-conditioned, multimedia classrooms

Further details

Contact us:

Markéta Pilařová
language school manager
Phone: 549 49 7139
        603 241 692

More information about terms and conditions on our website

Payment from abroad

Due to bank fees we cannot accept payments from foreign banks. Please contact Markéta Pilařová to make arrangements for cash payments.