RJ_02Eng Russian for Beginners II

Filozofická fakulta
jaro 2023
0/2/0. 4 kr. (plus 1 za zk). Doporučované ukončení: z. Jiná možná ukončení: zk.
Mgr. Světlana Michálková (přednášející)
Mgr. Bc. Zbyněk Michálek (pomocník)
doc. PhDr. Jiří Gazda, CSc.
Ústav slavistiky – Filozofická fakulta
Kontaktní osoba: Mgr. Bc. Zbyněk Michálek
Dodavatelské pracoviště: Ústav slavistiky – Filozofická fakulta
Út 16:00–17:40 B2.42
( RJ_01 Ruština pro začátečníky || RJ_01Eng Russian for Beginners )&&(!NOWANY( RJ_02 Ruština pro neruštináře II ))
The student must have his/her own student’s book (in any form). The course is only in English, so the good knowledge of English language is required (both Czech and foreign students are welcomed). For students who speak only Czech there is another course RJ_02 available.
Omezení zápisu do předmětu
Předmět je otevřen studentům libovolného oboru.
Předmět si smí zapsat nejvýše 25 stud.
Momentální stav registrace a zápisu: zapsáno: 2/25, pouze zareg.: 0/25, pouze zareg. s předností (mateřské obory): 0/25
Jiné omezení: The course IS NOT INTENDED for the native speakers of Russian as well as for the students of Russian studies at the Faculty of Education and/or the Faculty of Arts. These students will not be allowed to attend and/or to complete the course!
Cíle předmětu
The course is aimed at the good grasp of the basics of this East Slavic language in its written and spoken forms. Students should get the idea of phonetics and morphology of the Russian language and the ability to communicate in Russian on common topics of everyday life. Students will also learn basic realia concerning Russia and the Russians, Russia’s life and institutions, history, art, geography, and area studies of Russia in general. After finishing the course, the student will have A2 level according to CEFR.
Výstupy z učení
After finishing the course, the student:
– will gain basic knowledge about Russian language (phonetics and morphology);
– will be able to communicate in Russian on common topics of everyday life (at A2 level);
– will learn basic realia about Russia and Russians (history, art, geography).
  • Vocabulary, topic: Talking about Working and Going to School; Filling Out Applications; Talking about Work and Study Schedules. Grammar: The Verb работать; Negative Sentences; The Verb учиться; Prepositional Case (Singular): Adjectives and Possessive and Demonstrative Pronouns; Prepositional Case of Personal Pronouns; Prepositional Case (Plural): Nouns; Prepositional Case (Plural): Adjectives and Possessive and Demonstrative Pronouns.
  • Vocabulary, topic: Telling time; Discussing mealtimes; Talking about daily activities; Saying where you are going; Expressing frequency of actions. Grammar: Time expressions: Hours and the nouns время and час; Verbs завтракать, обедать, ужинать; Time expressions: At what time; Reflexive verbs; Conjunctions of verbs; Accusative case: Inanimate nouns; Expressing directions: в/на + accusative; Time expressions: Frequency of actions; Verbs of motion: идти versus ходить.
  • Vocabulary, topic: Talking about literature and art; Expressing emphasis and preference; Talking about sports; Talking about music. Grammar: Accusative of personal pronouns: Review; Accusative of adjectives and possessive and demonstrative pronouns (inanimate); Emphasis and preference; Syntax; The verb играть: Games; Conjugation of verbs with suffix -ова-/-ева-; The verb играть: Musical instruments.
  • Vocabulary, topic: Talking about the seasons; Talking about free-time activities; Discussing past activities; Telling about your vacation. Grammar: Syntax: The noun время and the seasons; Time expressions: Seasons; Verb + verb constructions: я люблю/умею плавать; Impersonal constructions: можно; Past tense of verbs; Verbs of motion: ходил and ездил; Time expressions: How long (две недели) and How long ago (два года назад); Relative pronoun который.
  • Vocabulary, topic: Talking about places to study; Talking about college-level studies; Talking about admission procedures, teachers, and course work; Discussing student accommodations; Discussion secondary education. Grammar: Prepositional case: Review; Ordinal numbers; Изучать versus учиться and заниматься; Nouns with parallel modifiers; Русский язык versus по-русски; The genitive case (singular): Nouns, adjectives, and possessive and demonstrative pronouns; Substantivized adjectives.
  • Vocabulary, topic: Talking about eating and drinking; Counting money, Talking about things you have and do not have; Comparing quantities and measurements; Comparing prices; Shopping for food/ Grammar: Verbs есть, пить, продавать, and купить; The genitive case with numerals; The genitive case to express possession: у Ивана есть/был; The genitive case with negatives: у нас нет/не было; The genitive case to express absence Ивана нет дома; The genitive case with quantity and measurement: бутылка, молока, 200 г колбасы, сколько, много, мало, больше, меньше; Accusative versus nominative; Дорогой/дорого and дешёвый/дешево.
  • Vocabulary, topic: Describing past activities, describing future activities; Talking about TV and movie schedules; Making invitations; Talking on the telephone; going to the theatre. Grammar: Verbal aspect: Overview; Verbal aspect in the past tense, Verbal aspect in the consecutive action; Verbal aspect in the future tense; Verbs of motion; Animate accusative (singular).
    povinná literatura
  • Troika: A Communicative Approach to Russian Language, Life, and Culture, 2nd Edition.
Výukové metody
The language course in its classical version: work with the student’s book, occasionally also the teacher’s necessary theoretical explanations, home tasks, additional materials according to attenders’ needs and interests, videos, audios, online quizzes etc.
Metody hodnocení
The course is completed by the test that verifies the knowledge acquired by students; to get credit, it is necessary to achieve at least 60 % points. To successfully finish the subject, the regular attendance is required—the maximum of two absences from the enrolment of the course.
Vyučovací jazyk
Informace učitele
WARNING: Courses of Russian organized by the Department of Slavonic Studies (FF MU) do not provide minimum of compulsory language competence required by FF MU regulations. For gaining this competence, there are specified courses organized by the Centre of Language Education.
Další komentáře
Studijní materiály
Předmět je vyučován každoročně.
The foreign language course for the students not specializing (majoring) in Russian.
Nachází se v prerekvizitách jiných předmětů
Předmět je zařazen také v obdobích jaro 2021, jaro 2024, jaro 2025.