Auxiliary Historical Sciences (bachelor's full-time single-subject)

1st year
1st term
FF:PV1A300 Introduction to the Study of Historical Sciences • 89 %
FF:PV1A301 Introduction to the Study of Auxiliary Historical Sciences • 89 %
FF:PV1A306 Latin I • 89 %
FF:PV1A310 Latin Script and Book Culture in Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages • 89 %
FF:PV1A320 Chronology and Metrology • 89 %
FF:PV1A303 Introduction to pre-modern history I • 78 %
FF:PV1B133 German I • 78 %
FF:PH0001 Philosophy for Non-Philosophical Disciplines Students • 56 %
FF:AR1A335 Fundamentals of Law • 33 %
FF:CJVVST Entrance test • 22 %
FF:LGBB02 Slavonic languages • 22 %
FF:PV1B131 Filigranology • 22 %
FF:AR1A323 Fundamentals of Monetary Development for Archivists • 11 %
FF:AR1B101 Municipal Administration • 11 %
FF:AR1B103 Archival Field Trip • 11 %
FF:AR1B67 Sigismund of Luxembourg: A Medieval Ruler on the Threshold of Modern Times I • 11 %
FF:AR2B77 German language handwriting • 11 %
FF:CORE023 Czech for 21st Century • 11 %
FF:ETBA117 Folk Architecture • 11 %
FF:KSCB090 Vietnam War • 11 %
FF:LGV20 Middle Asian, Siberian and East Asian Languages • 11 %
FF:PJ_03 Polish for Beginners • 11 %
FF:PV1A302 Historical Sources and their Interpretation • 11 %
FF:PV1A304 Introduction to pre-modern history II • 11 %
FF:PV1A311 Latin Script and Book Culture in the Middle Ages I (800-1200) • 11 %
FF:PV1A311A Lecture on Latin Script in the Middle Ages I • 11 %
FF:PV1A315 Introduction to Diplomatics • 11 %
FF:PV1A324 Iconography • 11 %
FF:PV1A343 Medieval History of Western Europe • 11 %
FF:PV1A344 Medieval History of the Czech Lands • 11 %
FF:PV1B135 German III • 11 %
FF:PV1B144 The Liechtenstein Family in the light of Auxiliary sciences of history • 11 %
FF:RLBCB405 Religion and Violence • 11 %
FF:RLBCB510 Neopaganism • 11 %
PřF:CORE001 The Stories of Science: Gene • 11 %
PřF:CORE004 Mathematics as a part of culture • 11 %
FSpS:P9037 Physical Education – Irish dances • 11 %
FSpS:P9038 Physical Education – Yoga • 11 %
FSpS:P981 Physical Education – Tennis • 11 %
2nd term
FF:PV1A302 Historical Sources and their Interpretation • 100 %
FF:PV1A304 Introduction to pre-modern history II • 100 %
FF:PV1A307 Latin II • 100 %
FF:PV1A311 Latin Script and Book Culture in the Middle Ages I (800-1200) • 100 %
FF:PV1A311A Lecture on Latin Script in the Middle Ages I • 100 %
FF:PV1A315 Introduction to Diplomatics • 100 %
FF:PV1A343 Medieval History of Western Europe • 89 %
FF:PV1B134 German II • 78 %
FF:PV1A344 Medieval History of the Czech Lands • 67 %
FF:PH0001 Philosophy for Non-Philosophical Disciplines Students • 56 %
FF:AR1B103 Archival Field Trip • 44 %
FF:AR2B77 German language handwriting • 44 %
FF:PV1A322 Numismatics • 44 %
FF:PV1B67 Faleristics and Vexillology • 33 %
FF:CORE052 Cultural history of beer • 22 %
FF:HIB022B Early Modern Towns in Bohemian Lands II Economic and Social Aspects • 22 %
FF:PV1A345 History of the Early Modern Age in Western Europe • 22 %
FF:PV1B109 Irreconcilable Neighbours? Poland, Lithuania and the Order of Teutonic Knights in the Middle Ages • 22 %
FSpS:P991 Physical Education – Fitness • 22 %
FF:ARTS005 Life in cyberspace • 11 %
FF:ARTS087 The Russian Society in the 20th Century: Political Attitudes, Collaboration and Resistance, Church a • 11 %
FF:AR1B109 Archival Thursday • 11 %
FF:CJVA2B English for Academic Purposes II • 11 %
FF:DSMB24 History of Ancient Warfare - Eastern Peoples • 11 %
FF:LGBB01 Writing systems of the World • 11 %
FF:MED68 Modern History of Turkey: from Atatürk to Erdogan • 11 %
FF:PV1A309 German IV • 11 %
FF:PV1A330 State Administration until 1526 • 11 %
PrF:CORE038 The Law and Practice of International Organizations • 11 %
FSpS:P925 Physical Education – Outdoor Sports • 11 %
FSpS:P937 Physical Education – Nordic walking • 11 %
FSpS:P972 Physical Education – Pilates • 11 %
2nd year
3rd term
FF:AR1B109 Archival Thursday • 100 %
FF:AR1B67 Sigismund of Luxembourg: A Medieval Ruler on the Threshold of Modern Times I • 100 %
FF:LJ607 Latin by Direct Method I • 100 %
FF:PV1A308 Latin III • 100 %
FF:PV1A312 Latin Script and Book Culture in the Middle Ages II (1200-1500) • 100 %
FF:PV1A312A Lecture on Latin Script in the Middle Ages II • 100 %
FF:PV1A316 Medieval Diplomatics • 100 %
FF:PV1A321 Sphragistics, Heraldry and Genealogy • 100 %
FF:PV1A324 Iconography • 100 %
FF:PV1B135 German III • 100 %
FF:BAX401 Hungarian I. • 50 %
FF:HIB004B Rural History of Czech Lands in the Early Modern Period • 50 %
FF:PV1A314 Book Culture in the Middle Ages and Modern Period • 50 %
FF:PV1B136 German Terminology of Auxiliary Historical Sciences and Archival Science I • 50 %
FF:PV1B33 Interpretation of historical legal texts. • 50 %
PřF:CORE076 Mapová gramotnost • 50 %
FSpS:P9035 Physical Education – Swing • 50 %
FSpS:P959 Physical Education – Aerobic-mix • 50 %
4th term
FF:AR1B103 Archival Field Trip • 100 %
FF:AR1B68 Sigismund of Luxembourg: A Medieval Ruler on the Threshold of Modern Times II • 100 %
FF:CJVN1B German for Academic Purposes I • 100 %
FF:LJ608 Latin by Direct Method II • 100 %
FF:PV1A309 German IV • 100 %
FF:PV1A313 Latin Script in Modern Age • 100 %
FF:PV1A313A Lecture on Modern Age Script • 100 %
FF:PV1A317 Modern Diplomatics I • 100 %
FF:PV1A329 Practical Experience in Memory Institutions I • 100 %
FF:PV1A330 State Administration until 1526 • 100 %
FF:PV1A337 Czech Legal History of the Middle Ages • 100 %
FF:PV1A345 History of the Early Modern Age in Western Europe • 100 %
FF:PV1A346 History of the Early Modern Age in the Czech Lands • 100 %
FF:PV1B137 German Terminology of Auxiliary Historical Sciences and Archival Science II • 100 %
FF:PV1B138 Latin IV • 100 %
FF:PV1A344 Medieval History of the Czech Lands • 50 %
FF:PV1B108 Interpretation of Historical Legal Texts II • 50 %

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