Environmental health (Bachelor's full-time specialized)

1st year
1st term
PřF:C1460 Introduction to Mathematics • 92 %
PřF:C1480 Introduction to Mathematics - seminar • 92 %
PřF:E1000 Environment & Health I - Global Environmental Challenges and their Solutions • 92 %
PřF:E1020 Soft-skills I - Computer Literacy • 92 %
PřF:E1030 Basic chemical calculations in environmental science • 92 %
PřF:E2040 Introduction to Epidemiology and Environmental Health • 92 %
PřF:E2041 Introduction to Epidemiology and Environmental Health - practice • 92 %
CST:CJV_DIAL Language test Dialang • 92 %
PřF:BI1700 Cell Biology • 83 %
PřF:C1040 General Chemistry - sem. • 79 %
PřF:C1020 General Chemistry • 75 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 42 %
PřF:BI5080 Basics of ecology • 25 %
PřF:BI1500 Tumor Biology for Everyone - Cell Philosophy • 17 %
PřF:BI0001 The Stories of Science: Cancer • 13 %
PřF:BI2060 Basic microbiology • 13 %
PřF:XA0010 Praxe pro Mendelovo muzeum • 13 %
2nd term
PřF:BI2060 Basic microbiology • 95 %
PřF:BI4010 Essential molecular biology • 95 %
PřF:BI4010C Essential molecular biology - seminar • 95 %
PřF:C3150 Physical Chemistry I - seminar • 95 %
PřF:C4660 Physical Chemistry I • 95 %
PřF:E2000 Environment & Health II - Environmental Policies, Strategies and Instruments • 95 %
PřF:E2020 Soft-skills II - Information Literacy • 95 %
PřF:E2030 Environment & Health - Week Field Trip • 95 %
PřF:C2701 Basic Organic Chemistry-seminar • 82 %
PřF:E2050 Laboratory course in molecular biology and microbiology • 77 %
PřF:C2700 Basic Organic Chemistry • 73 %
PřF:BI0001 The Stories of Science: Cancer • 68 %
PřF:C1600 Laboratory in Chemistry • 50 %
PřF:BI2060C Basic microbiology - practice • 41 %
PřF:CORE021 Bioethics II: Borderline Options • 18 %
2nd year
3rd term
LF:BKFY0121C Physiology I - practice • 100 %
LF:BKFY0121P Physiology I - lecture • 100 %
PřF:C1660 Basic Analytical Chemistry • 100 %
PřF:E2040 Introduction to Epidemiology and Environmental Health • 100 %
PřF:E2041 Introduction to Epidemiology and Environmental Health - practice • 100 %
PřF:E3000N Environment & Health III - Social, economical and political context • 100 %
PřF:E3020 Soft-skills III - Scientific Thinking • 100 %
PřF:E3040 Public Health Protection • 100 %
PřF:E3041 Public Health Protection - Practicals • 100 %
PřF:BI3060 Basic genetics • 88 %
PřF:C3580 Biochemistry • 88 %
PřF:C3620 Biochemistry - laboratory course • 88 %
PřF:BI3060C Basic genetics - practice • 75 %
FaF:CORE018 Plants in Health and Disease • 25 %
PřF:CORE001 The Stories of Science: Gene • 25 %
PřF:CORE003 Sustainable development • 25 %
PřF:JALS01 English for Life Sciences 1 • 25 %
PřF:XA0010 Praxe pro Mendelovo muzeum • 25 %
FF:BAX203 Finnish for Beginners III • 13 %
PřF:BI1700 Cell Biology • 13 %
PřF:BI8710 Nature Conservation • 13 %
PřF:CORE022 Biochemie v běžném životě • 13 %
PřF:C1020 General Chemistry • 13 %
PřF:C1460 Introduction to Mathematics • 13 %
PřF:C1480 Introduction to Mathematics - seminar • 13 %
PřF:JNP03 German for Science 3 • 13 %
FSpS:P9032 Physical Education – Street Dance • 13 %
FSpS:P9034 Physical Education – Salsa • 13 %
CST:CJV_DIAL Language test Dialang • 13 %
4th term
LF:BKFY0222C Physiology II - practice • 100 %
LF:BKFY0222P Physiology II - lecture • 100 %
PřF:E2050 Laboratory course in molecular biology and microbiology • 100 %
PřF:E4020 Soft-skills IV - Presentation Skills • 100 %
PřF:E4070 Fundamentals in Toxicology • 100 %
PřF:E4080 Demography and Social Determinants of Health • 100 %
PřF:C2700 Basic Organic Chemistry • 50 %
PřF:C2701 Basic Organic Chemistry-seminar • 50 %
PřF:JA001 Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 50 %
PřF:BI2060 Basic microbiology • 25 %
PřF:CORE021 Bioethics II: Borderline Options • 25 %
PřF:E0321 Sustainable development - the biggest challenge today? • 25 %
PřF:E6050 Fate of Toxic Compounds in Environment • 25 %
PřF:E6051 Fate of Toxic Compounds in Environment - Practicals • 25 %
LF:AVLMS01 MUNI Mindful Minds • 13 %
LF:CORE016 Public health and public health care • 13 %
FF:BAX204 Finnish for Beginners IV • 13 %
FF:CORE099 Civil Society and Human Rights in Eastern Europe • 13 %
PrF:MV411K Environmental Policy • 13 %
PřF:BI0001 The Stories of Science: Cancer • 13 %
PřF:BI2060C Basic microbiology - practice • 13 %
PřF:BI4010 Essential molecular biology • 13 %
PřF:BI4010C Essential molecular biology - seminar • 13 %
PřF:BI6790 Animal Biology • 13 %
PřF:CORE027 Climate change - causes, effects and possible solutions • 13 %
PřF:CORE032 Planetary industrial resources • 13 %
PřF:C3150 Physical Chemistry I - seminar • 13 %
PřF:C4660 Physical Chemistry I • 13 %
PřF:E4040 Project for Environment & Health I • 13 %
PřF:JALS02 English for Life Sciences 2 • 13 %
PdF:PS_0014 Introduction to Psychology of Sexuality • 13 %
FSpS:P938 Physical Education – Elements of sporting massages • 13 %
FSpS:P972 Physical Education – Pilates • 13 %
FSpS:P9911 Physical Education – Outdoor activities distant • 13 %

The information was preprocessed: 5/10/2024 11:31

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