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Vědecký základ sportovního tréninku

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31. 1. – 2. 2. 2020 a 8. 2. – 9. 2. 2020

MU FSpS, Univerzitní kampus Bohunice, Kamenice 5, 625 00 Brno, budova A11 (červený vchod), učebna 236


Osvědčení s výpisem absolvovaných předmětů s neomezenou platností


3 750 Kč


Pro vystavení Osvědčení o absolvování je nutné uvést i datum a místo narození, prosím doplňte tuto informaci do poznámky.

  • Anatomy

    As part of the course, students are gradually introduced to: the overall construction of the organ system function of each part of the organ system, the potential risks of injury in sports and in everyday life. After completing this course the student will be able to understand the teaching of other related subjects. At the same time gaining the information necessary for the exercise of his future profession.
    • Faculty of Sports Studies

    Circulatory system
    Vascular system
    Respiratory system
    Digestive system I
    Digestive system II - liver, gallbladder, pancreas
    Urinary system
    Male reproductive system
    Female reproductive system
    Endocryne system
    Lymphatic systém
    Central nervous system
    Peripheral nervous system
    Sensory organs
  • Issue of doping

    Cílem předmětu je seznámit studenty s dopingovou problematikou.
    Po absolvování tohoto předmětu budou schopni vyjmenovat seznam zakázaných látek a metod; popsat dopad těchto látek na zdraví sportovce; popsat postihy spojené s užíváním zakázaných látek; popsat průběh dopingové kontroly; vyřízení terapeutické výjimky.
    • Faculty of Sports Studies

    (in Czech)
    Úvod do problematiky
    Organizace boje proti dopingu
    základní ustanovení a další dokumenty
    definice dopingu
    antidopingová pravidla
    terapeutická výjimka
    kritéria pro zařazení zakázaných látek a metod
    zakázané látky a metody
    průběh dopingové kontroly
    hlášení místa pobytu
    postihy dopingu
  • Physiology

    The goal of this subject is to provide the student with understanding of the physiology and physiology of exercise and sport. Exercise Physiology is intended for students of physical education, atheltic training, etc.
    • Faculty of Sports Studies

    Theme of Lessons: Physiology of cell . Structure and function of skeletal muscle, skeletal muscle and exercise. Structure and function of the nervous system. Neuromuscular adaptation to training. Metabolism, energy, and basic energy systems.Metabolic adaptation to training. Endocrine glans and their hormones. Hormonal response and adaptation to exercise. Structure and function of the cardiovascular system, cardiovascular response and adaptation to exercise. Scructure and function respiratory system, respiratory response and adaptation to excercise. Termoregulation, responses and acclimatization to exercise in hot and cold environments. Exercise in hypobaric and hyperbaric environments. Children and adolescents in sport and exercise. Aging in sport and exercise. Sex diferences in sport and exercise.
  • Sports nutrition and hygiene

    The aim of the course is to present the basic topics in the field of human nutrition, sports nutrition and hygiene of sport. Students of the course will be able to apply the nutritional and regeneration procedures in the relation to the physical activity.
    • Faculty of Sports Studies

    1. Basic concepts in nutrition. Role of macronutrients and micronutrients. 2. Energy balance. 3. Vitamins and minerals, hydration 4. Dietary supplements in sport. 5. Nutrition in the recovery, nutrition during exercise. 6. Nutrition in various sports disciplines 7. Nutrition in the youth, and through aging. 8. Fatigue and forms of recovery strategies after sport. 9. Biological parameters in control for exercise. 10. Regeneration in sport (educational, psychological, biological, physical procedures)
  • Pedagogy

    The main objectives of the course are the following: acquainting students with the terminology of the pedagogy and sports pedagogy; making students aware of human conception of the modern sports pedagogy; analyzing the sports education in the modern world. At the end of the course students should be able to understand and explain the modern trends of the sport education.
    • Faculty of Sports Studies

    1. Definition and characters of sport education. 2. Elements of sport education. 3. Development of the sports pedagogy. 4. Educational problems of competitive sports. 5. Sports coach. 6. Education of sports coaches. 7. Educational competencies of sports coaches. 8. Research of sports coaches. 9. Application of educational principles in sport education.
  • Law and Sports

    Given that the subject is taught while studying coaching licenses in the maximum range 2-6 hours is the goal of the course providing a comprehensive legal awareness trainers on the legal order of the Czech Republic, including the related most important standards of European law and the establishment of legal awareness of the coaches on the status of sport and its autonomous nature of environment Czech law and EU. Furthermore, the acquisition of basic knowledge in the field of sport and business at the federal level and understand the position of natural and legal persons in the management structures of associations and national and international note, including the adoption of legal protection of sports bodies and accountability in sports.
    • Faculty of Sports Studies

    1.The basic rules of private law and public law, commercial register, insolvency register, trade register, VAT register 2.The relationship of the state and sport, the autonomy of sport - and government funding for sport in the Czech Republic at the republic, provincial and municipal 3.Legal relations sporting entities (legal order of the Czech Republic, tax obligation sports bodies, internal rules of sport and the rules of the sport) 4.Entities in sports, legal entities and natural persons 5.Contractual relationships sporting bodies, patterns, form and kontent 6.Liability in sports development and current concepts 7.Decision disputes in sport (judicial and extra-judicial protection of sporting entities, including CAS)
  • First aid

    The subject gets acquainted students with foundations of theory and practice of first aid, in conformity with modern progress of this section. Aims: -name risks linked with giving of first aid including water environment – name life-saving acts -distinguish unconsciousness with kept vital signs from necessity of starting of CPR -practise CPR of adult, child, baby and by state of near-drowning, change script of CPR, if there is possibility of AED using -do buccelation of life-threatening bleeding – make out gravity of possible damage of organism from accident mechanism and react adequately -treat typical musculoskeletal injuries – deduce probable type of non-accidental case from symptoms and react to the situation adequately -treat thermal injuries and cold exposures -eject foreign object when aspirated through technique depending on age of casualty -discuss about possibilities of prevention due to rise of accidental or non-accidental case at school, swimming pools or in common life
    • Faculty of Sports Studies

    1. Assessing the Situation.Basic situation. 2. Risks linked with giving of first aid 3. External and Internal bleeding. 4. Uncosciousness.CPR Guidelines 2015. 5. Recovery position. 6. Aspiration of Foreign Object. 7. Cold exposure. 8. Thermal Injuries. 9. Intoxication and chemical burns. 10. Musculoskeletal Injuries.Spinal injuries. 11. Shock 12. Non-Accidental Cases. 13. First Aid differences at water environment
  • Psychology

    The aim of the course is to teach students to use knowledge from sport psychology in professional practice. At the end of the course, the student will be able to: working with the temperament, knows the pre-launch states, recognize a psychological failure, to use the principles of mental hygiene of the athletes, to work with the stages of motor learning for athletes, use the acquired knowledge in working with the athlete, use of regulatory resources.
    • Faculty of Sports Studies

    Introduction to psychology of sport, division, history, the use of
    The personality of the athlete, the temperament of the
    A psychological typology of sports
    Pre-launch states, psychological failure
    Regulatory means
    The motor learning, stages and work with the sportsman
    The mental hygiene of sportsman
    Psychological assessment in the practice of sport
  • Sport training

    The aim is to familiarize students with the theoretical bases   training process. In teaching the subject of sports training theory to synthesize a theoretical knowledge of   completed subjects of anatomy, physiology, biomechanics, Anthropomotorics, pedagogy, sport psychology and practical subjects. Knowledge is developed and applied in individual adaptation issues   the general and specific requirements of different sports performance. After completing the course the student will be able to: Define the basic concepts of using the TST Define goals, objectives, results and effects of sports training Explain the process of adaptation to training stimuli Create the basic structure of the training design process in the short term   To analyze the effects of sports training
    • Faculty of Sports Studies

    1. sports training 2. Goal, objectives, results Wed 3. Effects of sports training 4. Components of sports training 5. Management of sports training 6. Didactic forms of sports training 7. Loading, loading, adaptations in sports training

Total: 3 750 CZK incl. VAT