Music for Education (Bachelor's full-time major)

1st year
1st term
PdF:HV011 Introduction to Music Education and Music Theory • 100 %
PdF:SZ6000 The Introduction into Education and Psychology • 100 %
PdF:HV005 Theory of Music Forms • 94 %
PdF:HV226 Instrument playing and vocal exercise 1 • 94 %
PdF:SZ6001 The Introduction into Education and Psychology Exercise • 93 %
PdF:HV222 History of Music 1 • 91 %
PdF:JV001 Entrance Test A2 - English • 70 %
PdF:HV004 Theory of Musical Instruments • 11 %
2nd term
PdF:HV014 Intonation and Auditory Analysis 1 • 98 %
PdF:SZ6004 Theory and Methodology of Education • 98 %
PdF:HV223 History of Music 2 • 96 %
PdF:SZ6003 Developmental Psychology (Exercise) • 96 %
PdF:HV020 Harmony 1 • 93 %
PdF:HV227 Instrument Playing and vocal exercise 2 • 93 %
PdF:JVP011 English for Teachers - A • 63 %
PdF:HV57 Film music • 39 %
PdF:SZ6023 Gifted Student's Education • 17 %
PdF:SZ6013 Drama Education in Teaching Practice • 15 %
PdF:SZ6120 Case Studies, Analysis and Interpretation of Educational Situations in Schools • 11 %
2nd year
3rd term
PdF:HV215 Intonation and Auditory Analysis 2 • 100 %
PdF:HV228 Instrument playing and vocal exercise 3 • 100 %
PdF:SZ6006 Research in the Educational Practice • 100 %
PdF:SZ6008 Self-experience Preparation for the Profession I • 95 %
PdF:HV224 History of Music 3 • 90 %
PdF:SZ6005 Special and Inclusive Education • 90 %
PdF:HV021 Harmony 2 • 80 %
PdF:JVP012 English for Teachers - B • 75 %
4th term
PdF:HV229 Instrument Playing and vocal exercise 4 • 95 %
PdF:SZ6010 Basis of Educational Diagnostics • 95 %
PdF:SZ6011 Self-experience Preparation for the Profession II • 95 %
PdF:HV016 Elementals of Choirmastering 1 • 89 %
PdF:HV225 History of Music 4 • 89 %
PdF:SZ6012 Educational Communication • 89 %
PdF:HV209 Music Software • 84 %
PdF:HV212 Music Analysis 1 • 79 %
PdF:SZ6121 Practice Teaching Assistant - Tutoring • 74 %
PdF:HV_BPP Bachelor Thesis - Project • 32 %
PdF:SZ6021 Social Pathology in Secondary Education • 21 %
PdF:JVP011 English for Teachers - A • 16 %
PdF:SZ6122 Practice Teaching Assistant - Assisting • 16 %
FSpS:P9911 Physical Education – Outdoor activities distant • 11 %
3rd year
5th term
PdF:HV013 Music Analysis 2 • 100 %
PdF:HV017 Elementals of Choirmastering 2 • 100 %
PdF:HV018 Teaching Practice of Music Education 1 • 100 %
PdF:HV030 Instrument playing 5 • 100 %
PdF:SZ6009 Social Psychology (Exercise) • 100 %
PdF:SZ6084 Practice Teaching Assistant - Assisting 3 • 100 %
PdF:HV_BP Bachelor Thesis • 80 %
PdF:HV004 Theory of Musical Instruments • 80 %
PdF:HV006 Introduction to music sociology • 40 %
PdF:HV024 History of Music 3 • 20 %
PdF:JVP012 English for Teachers - B • 20 %
PdF:JV001 Entrance Test A2 - English • 20 %
PdF:SZ6007 Practice Teaching Assistant - Tutoring 1 • 20 %
FSpS:P923 Physical Education – Total body training • 20 %
FSpS:P970 Physical Education – Dance • 20 %
FSpS:P991 Physical Education – Fitness • 20 %
6th term
PdF:HV019 Teaching Practice of Music Education 2 • 71 %
PdF:HV_BPD Bachelor Thesis - Completion • 57 %
PdF:STUD0003 Pedagogika a psychologie (SZZ) • 57 %
PdF:HV001 Playing second instrument • 43 %
PdF:HV002 Chamber Music Playing • 29 %
PdF:HV52 Choir of the Pedagogical Faculty of Masaryk University • 29 %
FF:HV_15A Collegium mixed choir • 14 %
FF:RLBCB405 Religion and Violence • 14 %
PdF:HV_BP Bachelor Thesis • 14 %
PdF:HV_0007 Czech cantors and Jakub Jan Ryba • 14 %
PdF:HV003 Seminar on Interpretation • 14 %
PdF:HV018 Teaching Practice of Music Education 1 • 14 %
PdF:HV024 History of Music 3 • 14 %
PdF:HV030 Instrument playing 5 • 14 %
PdF:HV53 Collegium Musicum • 14 %
PdF:HV7BP_HDN Playing second instrument • 14 %
PdF:IVP020 Průvodce začínajícího učitele • 14 %
PdF:JVP011 English for Teachers - A • 14 %
PdF:SZ6084 Practice Teaching Assistant - Assisting 3 • 14 %
PdF:TI9012 Practice in leisure centers • 14 %

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