FSS SPR03 Social Work
Name in Czech: Sociální práce
Bachelor's full-time minor, language of instruction: Czech Czech
Included in the programme: FSS B-SPR Social Work

Study-related information

  • Parts of the final state examination and its content
    The state examination for the Bachelor of Social Work has two parts: a) a defense of the Bachelor's thesis, b) an oral examination.

    The bachelor thesis is evaluated according to theoretical-methodological and formal criteria. These criteria are published on the Department's website and on the University's website (www.is.muni.cz).

    The content of the oral SZZ includes two state subjects: 1/ Application of ethical context and values in social work and 2/ Application of theories and methods in social work.

    The outcome of the examination is determined by the evaluation of the oral performance. In its evaluation, the committee takes into account in particular the following criteria:

    - knowledge of the above mentioned state subjects;
    - the ability to use this knowledge to reflect on life situations;
    - the ability to apply this knowledge in designing interventions;
    - the ability to name ethical issues, problems, and dilemmas;
    - the ability to apply awareness of ethical contexts to intervention design;
    - the ability to argue methodologically correctly and use relevant knowledge and data in favor of the chosen interpretation of the client's situation and the chosen intervention procedure.

    The committee also takes into account the following:

    - Knowledge of theories and knowledge of social problems;
    - knowledge of their contexts and ways of addressing them;
    - knowledge of the methodological principles of scientific inquiry and their applied use;
    - the student's ability to present the assigned topic in a logical, concise, and structured manner.
  • Requirements of the study
    A specific study obligation in the Bachelor of Social Work (single-subject study program) is professional practice.

    Within the minor study programme, internships are organised as follows.

    Practice and Supervision in Social Work (2nd semester of study) - the aim of the course is to strengthen the preparation for the choice of practice orientation of students in the Bachelor's study and also to increase the resilience skills of students in relation to practice and future professional orientation. The intention is to familiarize students with the differences in the application of social work methods and techniques as well as different models of supervision in social service organizations depending on the type of organization and the nature of the target group of social work clients. External lecturers are also involved in the teaching, they are supervisors and instructors from organizations that provide practice to students of the Department of Social Work. These experts convey to the students topics that are present in contemporary social work practice.

    Professional practice and supervision I - basic questions (3rd semester of study) - practice in the scope of 156 hours + 26 hours of supervision, practice takes place mainly in Brno organizations, since this is usually the first practical experience of students with the field practice, it is organized within selected workplaces that guarantee internship positions for students of Social Work and at the same time qualified workers who become supervisors of practice. Regular evaluation of the conditions of the internship is carried out in these organizations or internship positions.
  • Suggestion of theses topics and the topics of defended theses
    Bachelor theses are not defended in the minor study program.

Recommended progress through the study plan

Compulsory courses

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
FSS:SPRb1101Introduction to Social Work D. Jaklová Střihavkovázk 1/1/04 1Z
FSS:SPRb1103Theories and Methods of Social Work P. Navrátilzk 1/1/05 2Z
FSS:SPRb1104Principles of Law P. Navrátilzk 2/1/03 1-
FSS:SPRb1111Philosophy and Social Work Ethics M. Nečasovázk 1/1/04 5P
FSS:SPRb1113Fieldwork and Supervision I J. Navrátilováz 1/1/12 Celkem 156 hodin praxe.5 3P
FSS:SPRb1119Qualitative Research L. Otavazk 1/1/04 4-
FSS:SPRb1128Principles of Psychology J. Vanderzk 1/1/04 1-
FSS:SPRb1156Fieldwork and supervision in social work M. Punováz 0/2/04 2P
FSS:SPRb1207Social Issues of Minorities R. Balážzk 1/1/04 3P
FSS:SPRb1209Social Deviance for Social Work R. Balážzk 1/1/04 4-
FSS:SPRb1217Health and Illness Z. Dohnalovázk 1/1/04 4-
FSS:SPRb1219Sociology P. Horákzk 1/1/04 2P
FSS:VPLb1102Social Policy T. Sirovátkazk 1/1/06 2Z
55 credits

Selective courses

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
FSS:SPRb1115Fieldwork and Supervision II - Casework Z. Dohnalováz 1/1/8 Celkem 104 hodin praxí.3 --
FSS:SPRb1116Fieldwork and Supervision III - Groupwork M. Punováz 1/1/12 Celkem 156 hodin praxe.5 --
FSS:SPRb1117Fieldwork and Supervision III M. Votoupalz 1/1/12 Celkem 156 hodin praxe.5 --
FSS:SPRb1122Social Work with Children and Families L. Otavazk 1/1/04 --
FSS:SPRb1123Help people with mental disorder from the view personal experience people with mental disorder J. Vanderz 1/1/04 --
FSS:SPRb1124Resocialisation and social work R. Strouhalzk 1/1/04 --
FSS:SPRb1125Current topics from practice: block of graduates P. Navrátilz 0/1/02 --
FSS:SPRb1126Policy Engagement of Social Workers R. Balážz 1/1/02 --
FSS:SPRb1127Working with Families - systemic and dialogic perspectives P. Nepustilz 1/1/04 --
FSS:SPRb1129Aplication of Psychology in Social Work J. Vanderzk 0/2/04 --
FSS:SPRb1130Human Behavior and the Violence P. Navrátilzk 2/0/05 --
FSS:SPRb1134Work with Victims of Violence J. Čechováz 1/1/04 --
FSS:SPRb1140Asessment M. Punovázk 1/1/04 --
FSS:SPRb1141Case Work M. Votoupalz 0/2/03 --
FSS:SPRb1144The process of working with clients in social work practice M. Votoupalz 0/2/05 --
FSS:SPRb1146Social work with people with psychosis J. Vanderzk 1/1/05 --
FSS:SPRb1159Fine Art Creation and Social Work P. Sochorz 0/2/03 --
FSS:SPRb1218Nongovernmental Sector J. Pejcalzk 1/1/04 --
FSS:SPRb1220Thanatology Z. Dohnalováz 1/1/05 --
FSS:SPRb1228Drug Interventions P. Navrátilz 1/1/05 --
FSS:VPLb1124Employment Services M. Horákovázk 1/1/05 --
FSS:VPLb1149Introduction to Theory of Organisation and Management T. Sirovátkazk 2/0/06 --
FSS:VPLb1154Self and Time Management E. Vondráčkovázk 1/1/04 --
FSS:VPLb1157Demography J. Pitnerzk 1/1/04 --
FSS:VPLb1207Social Issues of Minorities I. Vašečkazk 1/1/05 --
104 credits