FF FBCSpV Chinese Studies
Name in Czech: Čínská studia
Bachelor's full-time minor, language of instruction: Czech Czech
Included in the programme: FF B-CS_ Chinese Studies

Introductory information / Instructions

POZOR: tato šablona má pouze orientační charakter – pro registraci a zápis předmětů je nutno použít aktuální registrační šablonu. Průchod studiem kontrolujte výhradně dle kontrolní šablony určené pro váš imatrikulační ročník.

Semester 1

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Profile Cat. Requirement
FF:KSCA001Introduction to Chinese Studies D. Vávrazk 2/0/04 Z P
FF:KSCA002Chinese Characters Z. Pospěchováz 1/1/02 P P
FF:KSCA004Chinese Grammar I D. Vávraz 1/1/02 Z P
FF:KSCA006Chinese Language I W. Luk 0/6/06 - P
FF:KSCA203Chinese Phonetics Z. Pospěchovák 1/1/02 P P
16 credits

Semester 2

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Profile Cat. Requirement
FF:KSCA005Chinese Grammar II D. Vávrazk 1/1/04 Z P
FF:KSCA007Chinese II W. Luk 0/6/06 - P
FF:KSCA028History of Modern China (from the mid of 19th c.) D. Hilbertovák 2/0/04 P P
14 credits

Semester 3

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Profile Cat. Requirement
FF:KSCA008Chinese Language III W. Luk 0/6/06 - P
6 credits

Semester 4

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Profile Cat. Requirement
FF:KSCA009Chinese IV W. Luz 0/6/0 Posluchači vedlejšího studijního plánu 4 cvičení.4 - P
4 credits

Semester 5

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Profile Cat. Requirement
FF:KSCA010Chinese Language V W. Luz 0/6/0 Posluchači vedlejšího studijního plánu 4 cvičení.4 - P
4 credits

Semester 6

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Profile Cat. Requirement
FF:KSCA011Chinese VI W. Luz 0/6/0 Posluchači vedlejšího studijního plánu 4 cvičení.4 - P
4 credits

Any semester

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Profile Cat. Requirement
FF:KSCA022History of Chinese Thought D. Vávrak 1/1/04 - -
FF:KSCA023History of Chinese Literature O. Vicherk 1/1/04 - -
FF:KSCB003Religions in China and Taiwan M. Rychetskák 1/1/04 - -
FF:KSCB004History and Culture of Taiwan D. Hilbertovák 2/0/04 - -
FF:KSCB059Selected chapters from modern Chinese history I D. Hilbertovák 1/1/04 - -
FF:KSCB064Chinese Art in 20th c. L. Olivovák 1/1/04 - -
FF:KSCB065Social Problems in Contemporary China D. Hilbertovák 2/0/04 - -
FF:KSCB070Popular Culture and Taiwanese Identity D. Vávrak 1/1/04 - -
FF:KSCB074History and Politics in contemporary China D. Hilbertovák 0/2/04 - -
36 credits