Upper Secondary School Teacher Training in Social Studies Basics (master's full-time single-subject)

1st year
1st term
FF:PHUZZL Elements of Logic and Critical Thinking • 100 %
FF:SUP002 Basic Course in Education • 100 %
FF:PHBD1 History of Philosophy I • 86 %
FF:PHUZDD1_1 Teaching Methodology Workshop I (one-field study) • 86 %
FF:SUP001 Psychology for teachers I • 86 %
FF:PHV152 Elements of Religious Studies • 71 %
FF:PHBL1 Logic I • 43 %
ESF:BPP_ZAPR Introduction to Law • 29 %
FF:JPNN10 Japanese I • 14 %
FF:JPNN11 Japanese writing I • 14 %
FF:LJ401 Classical Mythology: Gods • 14 %
FF:PHBA Argumentation • 14 %
FF:PHV459 Philosophy of history and categories of political philosophy I: selected chapters • 14 %
ESF:BPE_ZEKO Principles of Economics • 14 %
2nd term
FF:PHUZDD2_1 Teaching Methodology Workshop II (one-field study) • 100 %
FF:PHUZPD The project thesis • 100 %
FF:SUP003 Theory of Instruction • 100 %
FF:PHUZDF1_1 Philosophy and Social Studies Basics Teaching Methodology (one-field study) • 80 %
FF:SUP004 Psychology for teachers II • 80 %
FF:ZSVPP01J Teaching Practice I. (one-field study) • 80 %
FF:ZSVRS01J Seminar for Teaching Practice I (one-field study) • 80 %
FF:SUP005 Special Education & Pedagogical Diagnostics • 60 %
FF:PHNC Czech Philosophy • 40 %
FF:PHV176K Introduction to Psychology • 40 %
FF:PHBD2 History of Philosophy II • 20 %
FF:PHBS Social and Political Philosophy • 20 %
FF:PHV458 Political Theories in 19th and 20th century and their philosophical roots • 20 %
2nd year
3rd term
FF:PHUZSD1 Diploma Thesis Seminar I • 100 %
FF:SUP006 Compendium for Teachers • 100 %
FF:PHBL1 Logic I • 67 %
FF:ZSVPP02J Teaching Practice II (one-field study) • 67 %
FF:ZSVRS02J Seminar for Teaching Practice II (one-field study) • 67 %
FF:PHBD3 History of Philosophy III • 33 %
FF:PHBG Epistemology • 33 %
FF:PHNN Contemporary German Philosophy • 33 %
FF:PHUZDD1_1 Teaching Methodology Workshop I (one-field study) • 33 %
FF:PSBB066 Mental Illness in Movies • 33 %
4th term
FF:ZSVPP03J Teaching Practice III (one-field study) • 67 %
FF:ZSVRS03J Seminar for Teaching Practice III (one-field study) • 67 %
FF:CORE079 Logic for Everyone • 33 %
FF:NJ_002 Practical Courses of German • 33 %
FF:PHUZDF1_1 Philosophy and Social Studies Basics Teaching Methodology (one-field study) • 33 %
FF:PHUZDMP Master’s Thesis • 33 %
FF:PHUZSD2 Diploma Thesis Seminar II • 33 %
FF:PHUZSZZ Master State Examination • 33 %
FF:PHV176K Introduction to Psychology • 33 %
FF:SUP005 Special Education & Pedagogical Diagnostics • 33 %
FF:ZSVPP01J Teaching Practice I. (one-field study) • 33 %
FF:ZSVRS01J Seminar for Teaching Practice I (one-field study) • 33 %
PdF:NJ_K311 Cultural Events in German • 33 %
PdF:ONLINE_AG English Online - Grammar • 33 %

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