Informatics in education (Bachelor's full-time minor)

1st year
1st term
FI:IB113 Introduction to Programming and Algorithms • 88 %
CST:CJV_DIAL Language test Dialang • 69 %
PřF:MUC14 Functions and equations at secondary school • 50 %
PřF:MUC11 Mathematical Analysis 1 • 47 %
FI:PB151 Computer Systems • 47 %
FI:PB150 Computer-Systems Architectures • 34 %
PřF:XS050 School pedagogy • 22 %
PřF:C7660 Multimedia in the education of chemistry • 16 %
2nd term
FI:PB153 Operating Systems and their Interfaces • 100 %
PřF:XS140 Foundations of Psychology • 86 %
FI:IB114 Introduction to Programming and Algorithms II • 86 %
FI:PB156 Computer Networks • 81 %
PřF:MUC12 Mathematical Analysis 2 • 38 %
PřF:MUC31 Linear Algebra • 38 %
PřF:XS060 General didactics • 29 %
PřF:JA001 Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 14 %
FI:VB036 English II • 14 %
2nd year
3rd term
FI:PV157 Authentication and Access Control • 93 %
FI:IB000 Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science • 60 %
PřF:MUC13 Mathematical Analysis 3 • 53 %
PřF:MUC22 Analytical geometry 1 • 53 %
PřF:MUC41 Combinatorics • 53 %
PřF:M5751 Electronic Typesetting and Publishing with TeX • 53 %
PřF:XS050 School pedagogy • 53 %
FI:PV005 Computer Network Services • 40 %
FI:PB151 Computer Systems • 27 %
CST:CJV_DIAL Language test Dialang • 27 %
PřF:JA002 Advanced Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 20 %
FI:PB001 Introduction to Information Technologies • 13 %
FI:PV123 Introduction to Visual Communication • 13 %
4th term
FI:IB110 Introduction to Informatics • 100 %
FI:PB112 Foundations of Object Oriented Programming in Java • 69 %
PřF:MUC23 Analytical Geometry 2 • 54 %
PřF:MUC32 Algebra • 54 %
PřF:XS060 General didactics • 46 %
PřF:MUC15 Mathematical Analysis 4 • 38 %
PřF:MUC24 Seminar on high-school mathematics 2 • 38 %
PřF:M2120 Mathematics of Finance I • 38 %
FI:PV004 UNIX • 38 %
PřF:JA002 Advanced Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 31 %
FI:PB156 Computer Networks • 31 %
PřF:F2422 Fundamental mathematical methods in physics 2 • 15 %
PřF:XS140 Foundations of Psychology • 15 %
FI:IB114 Introduction to Programming and Algorithms II • 15 %
FI:PV066 Typography I • 15 %
3rd year
5th term
PřF:MUC26 Theory of conic sections and quadrics • 100 %
PřF:MUC33 Number theory • 100 %
PřF:MUC51 Probability and Statistics • 100 %
FI:PB154 Database Systems • 83 %
FI:PB007 Software Engineering I • 67 %
FI:UB001 Assesment of teaching in Informatics • 67 %
FI:PV119 Elements of Law • 50 %
FI:PV072 Humanitarian Computer Applications • 33 %
PřF:JA002 Advanced Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 17 %
FI:IB000 Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science • 17 %
FI:PV005 Computer Network Services • 17 %
FI:PV123 Introduction to Visual Communication • 17 %
6th term
PřF:MUC24 Seminar on high-school mathematics 2 • 100 %
FI:PV178 Introduction to Development in C#/.NET • 80 %
PřF:MSZZ_BU State examination Bc, Teacher of Mathematics • 60 %
PřF:MUC32 Algebra • 40 %
PřF:M6130 Computational statistics • 40 %
FI:SZB State Exam (Bc degree) • 40 %
FF:JSB_SLAV60 Between Ideology and Subversion: Yugoslav Cinema of the 1960s • 20 %
FF:SUS_213 Libretto or Music: what is in opera more important? • 20 %
PřF:F2130 Physics in alive nature • 20 %
PřF:MUC42 Seminar on combinatorics • 20 %
PřF:M2142 Computer Algebra Systems • 20 %
FI:IB005 Formal Languages and Automata • 20 %
FI:IB114 Introduction to Programming and Algorithms II • 20 %
FI:PB162 Java • 20 %
FI:SBPRIP Revisions for Bachelor State Exam • 20 %
FI:VV042 History of Photography • 20 %
PdF:FC0003 Vocational Compendium • 20 %
PdF:IVP020 Průvodce začínajícího učitele • 20 %
PdF:TI9006A E-COURSE: Recycling – Everything You Can Make Out of Waste • 20 %

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