Online Teaching
It is possible to meet students in an online environment and lead a discussion, implement group projects or have their tasks presented, it's just challenging. Get inspired by teachers who have already met their students in an online environment and find out how they managed it.
Preparation teaching for next semester
Organisation of Teaching in Autumn Semester 2021Guidelines issued by the Office for Studies of the Masaryk University Rector’s Office No. 1/2021Planning 'MS Teams' meeting through IS MU
See also Help IS MU (sing in needed).
Meetings created in this way behave the same as meetings created directly in MS Teams, the meeting organizer has full settings available. In addition, it is possible to change the meeting organizer until the start of the meeting, ie in the case of represent during absence, it is possible to change the organizer and thus allow a colleague to use, for example, the breakout rooms function.
Creating and filling a team from IS MU
See also Help IS MU (sing in needed).
Teachers’ experiences and tips
Inspiration to online lesson
You will find inspiration and tips on how to methodically prepare an online lesson and how to keep students' attention and motivation during such a lesson in the chapter Attention and motivation in online learning.
Attention and motivation in online learningInstructions and tutorials
Microsoft Teams
This tool allows text messaging, audio and video calls and desktop sharing. The advantage is a permanent storage space for teams for common documents, etc.
Instructions and tutorials
Planning 'MS Teams' meeting through IS MU
See also Help IS MU (sing in needed).
At the moment, it is not possible to use the Breakout rooms option when setting up a meeting in MS Teams. We are working to put it into operation in cooperation with the ICS MU.
Creating and filling a team from IS MU
For each subject or seminar group, you can create a team in Microsoft Teams and keep current students and teachers there. To create a team, select the teams you want to create in MS Teams in the table below and confirm with the button. The team will be ready no later than 24 hours after the request is submitted, typically during the night hours. Once the team is ready to use, there will be a link in the table that you can send to students. A team can be established for a subject (seminar group) only in the current semester.
- Select the required course in the Teacher's Notebook
- In the study materials section, select the Create a team in MS Teams link
- On the displayed page, select the teams you want to create, you can select multiple groups, a separate team will be created for each group
- For each team, you can use the Change link in the Moderators column to edit who will be assigned as a teacher and will be able to manage the team in MS Teams
- Click the Request to create a team button
- The team is typically formed overnight, no later than 24 hours after dispatch
- Once the team is created, open it in MS Teams and click Activate
Until you activate the team, students cannot see it and cannot use it
During each synchronization (twice a day) the team members will be adjusted based on the current status of the enrollment of students and the list of teachers in the IS MU. However, in MS Teams in the team settings in the members section you can manually add a team member, this member will be ignored during synchronization, ie he will remain a team member even if he is not enrolled as a student or teacher of the course. In this way, you can, for example, invite invited guests to classes.
team creation application, select the unnecessary team, clear the check box and confirm with the button. During the next synchronization, all members will be removed from the team, ie no one will have access to the team in MS Teams.
If you no longer want to use a team in MS Teams, you can turn it off. In the -
Creating a team in MS Teams and inviting students through code
Log in to MS Teams and receive a call from a colleague
Join meetings by invitation
Join the team from an invitation
Join live events from an invitation
Live event: create and control without an assistant
The following video is for lectures with 300 or more listeners only.
the pre-recording of the lecture, supplemented by the possibility of asking questions through the course discussion forum in the IS MU, or online consultation hours in the mode of a classic meeting with a smaller number of students.
Live event listeners see a lecture with a delay, which increases if they join later or pause recording during playback. This greatly impairs the possibility of any meaningful communication between the listener and the lecturer. In some cases, it may happen that the listener responds to the lecturer's call and asks a question using the Questions and Answers function, but the presenter is no longer connected at that moment and will therefore no longer respond to the question. A suitable alternative to a live event may be
MS Teams Options and Limitations
- Meeting up to 300 participants
- Live event for 300 and more participants
- until 30th June 2021, the limits of live events at MU are increased, see below
- Maximum number of concurrent events at MU at 50 (normally 15)
- Maximum 20,000 participants (normally 10,000)
- Maximum 16 hours of broadcasting 1 event (normally 4 hours)
- You must have an A3 license to organize a live event (contact user support for MS Teams)
- The producer / presenter must use the application installed on the PC / Mac
- Access via web interface and application (PC, Mac, Android, iOS)
- Meetings can be recorded, the recording will be saved in the meeting chat for download to all participants (license A1) and will be automatically deleted after 20 days (it cannot be deleted before!). If the person who started the recording has an A3 license, the recording will be permanently stored in the MS Stream service, where it is possible to restrict access or delete the recording.
Other sources of information
Contactless online lecture Possibilities of online learning based primarily on Microsoft Teams Detailed Microsoft Teams tutorials support for MS Teams
- Complete management and support for MS Teams is provided by ICS MU.
- For functionality inquiries, users can contact the Office 365 Yammer Support group. .
- Problems can be addressed to the university's servicedesk, tel.: +420 549 49 7777.
- To solve local problems - set up audio, video or any installation problem, please contact IT support at your faculty.
Planning 'MS Teams' meeting through IS MU
Google Meet
A tool for video conferences with up to 100 participants with access via a university account.
Google Meet Options and Limitations
- Quick access from the internet browser or mobile app
- Up to 100 participants in meetings
- No meeting time limit
- Meetings recording
- The listing will be saved to the Google Drive of the user who set up the meeting (1. to start) after the records are made available and the user is notified via email. This situation is temporary, by the end of the year 2020 the system should be changed so that the records are stored in temporary folders, where they will be available for a limited time and then automatically deleted.
Access to Google GSuite services
- If you do not have an activated account, you can turn it on on the IS External Services page.
- To log in, use the links on the External Services page, or enter your login name in the form uč in the Google login field.
- The login itself takes place via a login to the IS MU, ie after entering uč you will be redirected to the IS MU login screen and after logging in you will be redirected back to Google.
YouTube živý přenos
A tool for streaming lectures for any number of students with the option of chatting and using a university account.
- We are preparing a detailed procedure for you, if you want to be prepared, then prepare and study the OBS studio, that you will need to stream the lecture on YouTube.
Access to Google GSuite services
- If you do not have an activated account, you can turn it on on the IS External Services page.
- To log in, use the links on the External Services page, or enter your login name in the form uč in the Google login field.
- The login itself takes place via a login to the IS MU, ie after entering uč you will be redirected to the IS MU login screen and after logging in you will be redirected back to Google.
A tool for make video conferences with up to 300 participants with a number of setting options (incl. recording, split participants into breakout rooms, polls and full control over the meeting - eg disabling the microphone to participants).
Access with no license
Limited to 40 minutes when talking to multiple parties. You can register and download the application for free at (incl. Connection options using a Google University account). Možnosti nastavení a ovládání schůzky jsou vážně omezené.
Access with license
The CESNET Association provides a certain number of full licenses for the academic sphere in the Czech Republic, part of it is available for MU. Licenses can be obtained on request at (Masaryk University employees only). The license is only enough for the organizer of conference. Due to the limited number, please apply only if you plan to use the application.
- Before sending the licence request, log in to (use Sing in with, select Masaryk University and sing in with UČO and primary password)
- Licensed users have full functionality
Login into App (PC/Mac/Android/iOS)
- Select the option to log in using SSO (single sign-on)
- Enter the server name
- You will be redirected into Your browser, where you will select Masaryk University and log in with a MU login
Evidence of online teaching in IS MU
The Online teaching application allows you to set all online teaching meeting from any video conferencing software into the IS MU. Scheduled lessons are displayed to students in the Student application and Calendar with the option to click directly on the event. We work on displaying events directly in the timetable and in upcoming events of the student. You can find the application in the Teacher's Notebook in the Online Teaching section.
More information and instructions for the evidence of online teaching in the IS MUHelp of the Information system MU (authenticated) -
Add video record of lecture into IS MU
If you need to obtain a record from the MS Teams program and you do not know how to, you can use the instructions from the website Meeting records in MS Teams (only Czech version).
The Online Teaching application in the Teacher section in the IS MU allows you to directly insert a file with the lecture record and make it available to students of the course. For user assistance you can use the services of a faculty e-technician.
- Select the required course in the Teacher's Notebook.
- In the Online Teaching section, select the Online Teaching.
- If you have already add online lessons, for each event you will see a camera icon (1) at the end of the line, with which you can insert a record. You can recognize an already inserted record by the accompanying text Record (2).
- Drag the record to the displayed window (or select from the computer using the button) and Add Record.
The recording of the lecture and exercises is automatically published to the students of the subject / seminar, you can change this setting as needed.
You can insert a record of any format, IS automatically converts it to a suitable format for online playback, incl. security against unauthorized download of the record. - After insertion, students will see an icon of the recorded recording in the online teaching section, from where they can play the recording. They can also play it directly from the study materials of the course.
Log in to MS Teams and receive a call from a colleague
Join meetings by invitation
Join the team from an invitation
Join live events from an invitation
Live event: create and control without an assistant
The following video is for lectures with 300 or more listeners only.
the pre-recording of the lecture, supplemented by the possibility of asking questions through the course discussion forum in the IS MU, or online consultation hours in the mode of a classic meeting with a smaller number of students.
Live event listeners see a lecture with a delay, which increases if they join later or pause recording during playback. This greatly impairs the possibility of any meaningful communication between the listener and the lecturer. In some cases, it may happen that the listener responds to the lecturer's call and asks a question using the Questions and Answers function, but the presenter is no longer connected at that moment and will therefore no longer respond to the question. A suitable alternative to a live event may be