FF FDCELIpSKO Intermedial and Intercultural Communication
Name in Czech: Intermediální a mezikulturní komunikace
doctoral full-time specialized, language of instruction: Czech Czech
Included in the programme: FF D-CELI_ Czech Literature

Study-related information

  • Final state doctoral examination and defence of the doctoral thesis
    Completion of the study involves the successful passing of the state final examination and the defence of the dissertation. The state final examination consists of an oral examination, which is held no later than in the 7th or 8th semester of study, and the defence consists of the defence of the dissertation. The defence and the examination are public and take place before a committee whose members are experts in the given specialisation. The topics that are covered by the oral exam are based around five academic theses, which the PhD student has submitted to their supervisor for approval in advance (these are sent to the rest of the commission members by the commission chairperson no later than a week prior to the state exam). At the state exam, the ability of reasoning in terms of literary theory is tested, as well as the PhD student’s argumentation skills in regards to two theses chosen by the commission themselves (theses are chosen by the commission members in the PhD student’s absence). The exam takes the form of a discussion.

    Topics of specialization for the state doctoral exam:
    specialization Intermedia and Intercultural Communication
    - texto-critical approaches to intermedial phenomena;

    In the introduction to the defense, the supervisor shall introduce the candidate; the candidate shall then introduce the present to the main theses of their work, and the thesis reports are presented. In the discussion that follows, the PhD student shall respond to the opinions of both the supervisor and the reviewers, as well as to the commission members’ questions.
  • Requirements of the study
    Pivotal part of students’ responsibilities on the PhD studies in Czech Literature is the preparation and work on the student’s dissertation thesis, which is defined as a coherent academic study based on the student’s authentic research.
    The student’s required activities are laid out in the individual study plan. They comprise the compulsory courses, as well as student’s own creative work and the presentation whereof – in the course of the studies, active participation in at least two academic conferences and publication of one study in an academic journal, is required. Other academic activities at the department may take the form of teaching, editing work, cooperation in organizing conferences, for instance, etc.
    Another part of the studies is a study stay at a foreign university or another research institution abroad, which can be chosen by the student in relation to their dissertation topic, and the possibilities for consultation with foreign experts in the field, or study of relevant academic literature. The stay abroad should have the total duration of three months (it can be scheduled in smaller intervals of time and realized with different institutions, if needed).
    The compulsory courses of the PhD study can be separated into four types:
    Courses directly related to the regular completion of the study – Research and Study I (CLDS_a09), Doctoral Dissertation Theses (CLDS_a02), Doctoral Thesis (CLDS_a01), and Doctoral Exam (CLDS_a03).
    The next type of compulsory subjects is focused on the student’s academic preparation – Interdisciplinarity in Czech Studies (CLDS_a32), Writing Seminar I and II (CLDS_a17, CLDS_a18), Conference Presentation I and II (CLDS_a04, CLDS_a05), Essay in Professional Periodicals (CLDS_a07), and Internships Abroad I (CLDS_a13). The compulsory course package also includes the courses Methods, Analysis, and Interpretations, as well as The Methodology of Literary Studies (CLDS_a26, NARD50), the teaching of which is realised by teachers from the departments of German Studies, Romance Studies, English Studies, and General Linguistics.
    Part of the field of Intermedial and Intercultural Communication are the subjects Chosen Categories of the Theory of Literature and Culture, Intermediality and Adaptation, Multilinguism on Cultural Frontiers (AJ34140, CLDS_a27, NJDSL4_30, ROMDJK), the teaching of which is realised by teachers from the departments of German Studies, Romance Studies, English Studies, and General Linguistics.
    The required course package also comprises the courses of the faculty basis – Philosophy for PhD students I (PHDZ1), as well as foreign languages according to the student’s choice (CJV_D_A, CJV_D_F, CJV_D_N, CJV_D_R), or the subject Foreign Language – publication and presentation in a foreign language (CLDS_a40).
    Moreover, PhD students are required to acquire 30 credits from the category of the so-called compulsory-optional courses – for instance, Theory of Translation for PhD, Chapters from World Literature, Sociology of the Literary Text, Fiction and Fictiveness (CLDS_a28, NJDSL4_31, AJ34130, NARD51), etc.
    It is possible to acquire the remaining number of credits from other optional course packages following a consult with the supervisor.
  • Proposal of dissertation topics and topics of defended dissertations
    Chosen dissertation topics:
    Literature in Early Czechoslovakian Sound Film
    Vizual and Textual Interventions in Public Space
    Specifics of Theatre Translation
    Adaptational Approaches to the Translation of Commercial Texts
    Ekphrasis in Postmodern Prose

Recommended progress through the study plan

Compulsory courses

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
FF:CLDS_a01Doctoral Theses M. Soleiman pour Hashemiz 0/0/0 blok.30 8-
FF:CLDS_a02Doctoral Dissertation Thesis M. Soleiman pour Hashemiz 0/0/0 blok.5 7-
FF:CLDS_a03Doctoral Exam M. Soleiman pour HashemiSDzk 0/0/0 blok.10 7-
FF:CLDS_a04Conference Presentation I Z. Fišerz 0/0/0 blok.5 4-
FF:CLDS_a07Essay in Professional Periodicals Z. Fišerk 0/0/0 blok.10 7-
FF:CLDS_a09Research and study I M. Soleiman pour Hashemiz 0/0/0 blok.10 1-
FF:CLDS_a13Internships Abroad I Z. Fišerz 0/0/0 blok.15 5-
FF:CLDS_a17Writing Seminar I M. Soleiman pour Hashemiz 0/0/0 blok.5 1-
FF:CLDS_a18Writing Seminar II M. Soleiman pour Hashemiz 0/0/0 blok.5 2-
FF:CLDS_a26Methods, analysis and interpretations Z. Fišerzk 0/0/0 blok.15 2-
FF:CLDS_a32Interdisciplinarity in Bohemistic studies M. Soleiman pour Hashemiz 0/0/0 blok.15 3-
FF:NARD50Methodology of literary criticism B. Fořtzk 0/0/0 blok.15 1-
FF:PHDZ1Philosophy for doctoral studies 1 J. Krobz 0/0/0 6x2 hodiny.10 4-
150 credits

Specializační předměty Intermediální a mezikulturní komunikace

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
FF:AJ34140Selected Chapters in Literary and Cultural Theory T. Pospíšilzk 0/0/015 2-
FF:CLDS_a27Intermediality and adaptation P. Bubeníčekzk 0/0/0 blok.15 3-
FF:NJDSL4_30Methodology of Literary and Cultural History A. Urválekzk 0/0/0 blok.15 5-
FF:ROMDJKMultilingualism and cultural interfaces P. Kyloušekzk 0/0/0 blok.15 6-
60 credits

Povinné předměty – cizí jazyk

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
FF:CJV_D_AEnglish for Doctoral Studies J. Lennonzk 0/0/0 individuální konzultace.5 --
FF:CJV_D_FFrench for Doctoral Studies L. Václavíkzk 0/0/0 individuální konzultace.5 --
FF:CJV_D_NGerman for Doctoral Studies P. Chládkovázk 0/0/0 individuální konzultace.5 --
FF:CJV_D_RRussian for PhD Studies - C1 J. Mikešovázk 0/0/0 individuální konzultace.5 --
FF:CLDS_a40Conference Presentation in a Foreign Language Z. Fišerz 0/0/0 blok.5 --
25 credits

Selective courses

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
FF:AJ34110The Profession of English J. Smithzk 0/0/0 Bloková výuka.15 --
FF:AJ34120Literary Value and Canonicity M. Kaylorzk 0/0/0 Bloková výuka.15 --
FF:AJ34130Constructing the Book, Reconstructing the Text J. Chamonikolasovázk 0/2/010 --
FF:AJ34160Film Adaptations of English Speaking LIteratures T. Pospíšilzk 0/0/0 Bloková výuka.15 --
FF:CLDS_a28Theories of Translation for PhD I Z. Fišerzk 0/2/0 blok.15 --
FF:NARD51Fiction and fictionality B. Fořtzk 0/0/0 blok.15 --
FF:NJDSL4_31Chapters from the world literature A. Urválekz 0/0/0 blok.15 --
100 credits

Elective courses

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
FF:CLDS_a05Conference Presentation II Z. Fišerz 0/0/0 blok.5 --
FF:CLDS_a06Conference Presentation III Z. Fišerz 0/0/0 blok.5 --
FF:CLDS_a08Review in Professional Periodicals Z. Fišerk 0/0/0 blok.10 --
FF:CLDS_a14Internships Abroad II Z. Fišerz 0/0/0 blok.5 --
FF:CLDS_a15Internships Abroad III Z. Fišerz 0/0/0 blok.5 --
FF:CLDS_a16Internships Abroad IV Z. Fišerz 0/0/0 blok.5 --
FF:CLDS_a25Literature and culture in the Slavonic area M. Soleiman pour Hashemiz 0/0/0 blok.15 --
FF:CLDS_a30Writing Seminar M. Soleiman pour Hashemiz 0/0/0 blok.20 --
FF:CLDS_a35Pedagogical Activity I M. Soleiman pour Hashemik 0/0/0 blok.15 --
FF:CLDS_a36Pedagogical Activity II M. Soleiman pour Hashemik 0/0/0 blok.15 --
FF:CLDS_a41Conference Presentation in a Foreign Language Z. Fišerk 0/0/215 --
FF:PHDZ2Philosophy for doctoral studies 2 J. Krobk 0/0/0 3x2 hodiny za semestr.10 --
125 credits