ETL1718 Erasmus+ Teaching and Learning 2017-18

11. Assessment 2: Practical Implementation

Day and time: Thursday, August 31, 13:45-15:15.
Session Leader: Matyas Szabo
Description: This session provides an essential understanding of the most problematic issues in students’ assessment and explores the most widely used forms of assessment in a critical way (by outlining their usefulness and shortcomings). The session will then move on to look at more complex and innovative assessment methods that encourage self-development and collaborative learning (such as group projects, portfolios, self-assessment tools, learning diaries): good practices, concrete examples will be discussed, as well as various ways of marking/grading students’ performances.
The third daily activity assignment on assessment will also be distributed and discussed.
Preparatory reading: Rebecca Attwood. 2009. “Well, what do you know?Times Higher Education, January 29.
REMEMBER to complete the assignment related task!