ETL1718 Erasmus+ Teaching and Learning 2017-18

Final Version

The final version of the teaching innovation reflection paper is a revised and updated version of the first draft. Therefore, once you received your coach’s feedback, your revision should take into account the received feedback and may include any other changes you would like to make. The feedback may suggest smaller adjustments or major revisions based on the state of your first draft. It is the best interest of both you and your coach that you produce the best possible paper and get it published in our book. Therefore, we ask you to be open to your coach’s suggestion including comments on writing and style. Clarify with your coach in advance any comments or suggestions that you do not understand or do not know how to implement.
Revising and updating a research paper is no small task and even the smallest revisions are unlikely to be implemented in a day. Therefore, we have scheduled a period of approximately one month for you to revise and resubmit your paper.
Remember to use the track changes function of MS Word (or whatever alternative software you use) to show the changes in the final version. As agreed with your coach earlier, either submit your revision report with this final version or react to your coach’s comment within the submitted document.
Deadline: 10pm, Sunday, 25 March 2018
Mode of Submission:
  • Have your full name written above or below the title
  • Use one of the following file formats: .doc, .docx, or .rtf.
  • Name the file by the name of the exercise (i.e. Innovation Paper – Final Version Draft.docx). No need to add your name to the file name as the online system will automatically append the uploaded files with your last name.
  • Upload the document (and the revision report if applicable) to your personal folder in the “Innovation Reflection Paper” Vault at our course site (see link to the vault below).
Feedback Form:
Find below the feedback form that coaches will use to evaluate your final submission. Reading through the rubrics can help you (together with the instructions) to get a better idea of how best to satisfy the requirements.