ETL1718 Erasmus+ Teaching and Learning 2017-18

D. Author Information

We ask you to (1) fill in the author information sheet including a short, 150-word biography and (2) provide a photo of yourself.
Regarding the extra information, you can find a questionnaire attached to this entry below. Please read the information provided therein carefully before responding to the questions.
As for the photo, provide a high quality professional headshot. It is similar to a passport photo although you may have friendlier posture and expression (smile!) on your face. Avoid (1) selfies; (2) headshot cut out from a larger picture; or (3) photo with an unprofessional background.
Deadline: 10pm, Thursday, 25 September 2018.
Mode of submission:
  • For the information sheet, use one of the following file formats: .doc, .docx, or .rtf and keep its original file name (i.e. Author Information Sheet.docx).
  • Regarding photo, use one of the following file formats: .jpg, or .png and name it ‘photo’ (i.e. Photo.jpg).
You do not need to add your name to either file—the MUNI IS will automatically add your name to it.
  • Upload both the information file and the photo to your personal folder in the “Author Information” Vault on the course site (see link to the vault below).