Approach to the unresponsive patient


  • ensuring the safety of the rescuer, the patient and the bystanders is the first and important step while providing first aid
  • before proceeding to the next steps of the algorithm, you must always decide if the situation is safe or not for you as the rescuer
  • what risks can we face?
  • Risks of transmitting infections
    • to reduce the risk, we should use protective equipment while providing first aid (e.g. wear single-use gloves when handling biological material)

Which situations are dangerous for the rescuer?

a car accident on a highway
a freely walking pitbull
an aggressive husband who has hit his wife
a drug-addicted man suffering from withdrawal syndrome who tends to be aggressive
a man captured in a flaming house
  • the danger can have many different forms
  • before entering the area of the incident, inspect the surrounding environment properly and consider all the circumstances carefully (e.g. you have just found three unresponsive young people in the room - What could be the cause? Are you (as a rescuer) also at risk?)
  • the most important task is to ensure your own safety
  • there are no guidelines on how to decide whether the situation is safe or not
  • some situations could endanger the rescuer's life, the decision about providing first aid is however always up to the rescuer
  • if the situation becomes dangerous while you are providing first aid, stop all your actions and react promptly to the imminent threat
  • be always able to find an escape route