Approach to the unresponsive patient

Emergency phone numbers

  • all the information in the following chapters about emergency phone numbers are valid in the Czech Republic
  • phone numbers to call in situations when your or someone else's life, health or property is being threatened
  • they are free of charge and available non-stop (24/7 service)
  • misconduct of any emergency phone number is a criminal offence

Match each situation to an emergency phone number which is the most appropriate to call:



  • the European emergency phone number
  • it is available everywhere in the European Union and also in some other states (e.g. Switzerland)
  • the established call centres are operated by the Fire rescue service of the Czech Republic; there are 14 centres (one per region)
  • the dispatchers can hold a phone call in English or German
  • if all dispatchers of one centre are occupied, other incoming calls are automatically forwarded to the other available centre - the number 112 thus could not be overloaded
  • a call to this number can be made from a mobile phone without any SIM card

In which situations should you call 112?

  • a caller who speaks a foreign language
  • when you are abroad (in the EU and some other states)


  • the number of Czech Emergency Medical Service (EMS)
  • the dispatcher will provide you with the information about providing first aid (e.g. dispatcher-assisted CPR)
  • if the caller has got health issues and calls 112, the dispatcher will transfer them to the number 155 - however, transferring the call cause a delay
  • if you want to find your location, use the app Záchranka which enables you to dial 155 and also to send a message to the emergency medical service with your exact location (see more information in the following chapter)

In which situation should you call 155?

  • in the case of health issues
  • if your or someone else's life is threatened
In which situation should you call 155?


  • the number of the Fire rescue service of the Czech Republic
  • call the number if, for example, a house, vehicle, forest, etc. is on fire


  • the number of the Police of the Czech Republic
  • call the number if, for example, you want to report a crime, such as theft, robbery, etc.


  • the number of the Municipal police
  • call the number if, for example, you want to report someone, who is violating a municipal ordinance (e.g. night-time noise)


  • the number of the Mountain rescue service of the Czech Republic
  • if you use the app Záchranka in the mountains, it will send a message to the local mountain rescue service (for more detail about the app, see the following chapter).