
Study plan is inactive.

PdF 1 Physics for Education (graduation major) (inactive)
Name in Czech: Fyzika se zaměřením na vzdělávání (na dostudování hlavní)
Bachelor's full-time major, completion only, language of instruction: Czech Czech
Included in the programme: PdF B-FY3S Physics for Education

Učitelská propedeutika

Compulsory courses

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
PdF:SZ6000The Introduction into Education and Psychology J. Bradovázk 2/0/04 1-
PdF:SZ6001The Introduction into Education and Psychology Exercise J. Bradováz 0/1/02 1-
PdF:SZ6005Special and Inclusive Education K. Pančochaz 1/1/03 3-
PdF:SZ6006Research in the Educational Practice K. Vlčkovázk 1/1/04 3-
PdF:SZ6008Self-experience Preparation for the Profession I J. Nehybaz 0/1/0 3x180 minut.2 3-
PdF:SZ6003Developmental Psychology (Exercise) T. Kohoutekk 1/1/03 2-
PdF:SZ6004Theory and Methodology of Education J. Německ 1/0/02 2-
PdF:SZ6009Social Psychology (Exercise) J. Krásak 1/1/03 4-
PdF:SZ6010Basis of Educational Diagnostics J. Kratochvílováz 0/1/02 4-
PdF:SZ6011Self-experience Preparation for the Profession II J. Nehybaz 0/1/0 3x180 minut.2 4-
PdF:SZ6012Educational Communication L. Škarkovák 0/2/03 5-
30 credits

Selective courses

blok 1
Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
PdF:SZ6007Practice Teaching Assistant - Tutoring 1 M. Košatkováz 0/0/0 60 hodin.2 --
PdF:SZ6055Practice Teaching Assistant - Assisting 1 L. Škarkováz 0/0/5 60 hodin.2 --
4 credits
blok 2
Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
PdF:SZ6013Drama Education in Teaching Practice L. Polánkováz 0/2/02 --
PdF:SZ6014Global Development Education in Teachers Preparation M. Kurowskiz 0/2/02 --
PdF:SZ6015Cross-curricular Subjects in the National Framework Programme K. Lojdováz 0/2/02 --
PdF:SZ6016Methods of Respecting Education Training J. Nehybaz 0/2/02 --
PdF:SZ6017Multicultural Lectures at Secondary Education L. Gulováz 0/2/02 --
PdF:SZ6018Personal and Social Education P. Sojákz 0/2/02 --
PdF:SZ6019Support of Student's Elf-development through Coaching Techniques P. Svojanovskýz 0/2/02 --
PdF:SZ6020Specifics of Working in a Multiethnic Classroom M. Kurowskiz 0/2/02 --
PdF:SZ6021Social Pathology in Secondary Education M. Bulaz 0/2/02 --
PdF:SZ6022Values Education in Teaching Practice F. Traplz 0/2/02 --
PdF:SZ6023Gifted Student's Education E. Trnováz 0/2/02 --
PdF:SZ6024Education in Teaching Practice R. Pospíšilz 0/2/02 --
PdF:SZ6025Analysis and Interpretation of Educational Situations in Schools K. Lojdováz 0/2/02 --
26 credits

Elective courses

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
PdF:SZ6062Virtual Classroom G. Šimkovák 0/1/03 --
PdF:SZ6064Introdution into Philosophy E. Vonkovák 1/0/03 --
PdF:SZ6070E-learning systems in education M. Dosedlak 0/2/03 --
PdF:SZ6071Interactive boards and didactic technology in education M. Dosedlak 0/2/03 --
PdF:SZ6072E-COURSE: IT security and literacy in education M. Dosedlak 0/0/0 online kurz v rozsahu 60 hod. (studium odborných textů a e-learningových osnov, studium odborné literatury, plnění průběžných úkolů kurzu a příprava na zakončení).3 --
PdF:SZ6073Information processing from electronic sources M. Dosedlak 0/2/03 --
PdF:SZ6078Value Education as part of the Teaching Profession H. Horkák 0/2/03 --
PdF:SZ6057Contemporary Czech Orthography and Grammar in Praxis I. Kolářovák 0/1/03 --
PdF:SZ6058Introduction into Language Culture and Rhetoric D. Sochorovák 1/0/03 --
PdF:SZ6059Linguistic situation in European Union J. Tuškovák 0/03 --
PdF:SZ6060Creative art techniques such as space for diversity in inclusive school P. Sochork 0/2/03 --
PdF:SZ6061School Education - Seminary H. Horkáz 0/1/02 --
PdF:SZ6063Antropology of Human Sexuality M. Jančovák 1/0/03 --
PdF:SZ6065Individual Teaching Practice - Classroom A. Bendovák 0/0/2.5 30 hodin.3 --
PdF:SZ6066Individual Teaching Practice - Interest Education A. Bendovák 0/0/03 --
PdF:SZ6068Introduction to Feuerstein's Instrumental Enrichment M. Vítkovák 0/03 --
PdF:SZ6075Project Education - Theory and Practice J. Kratochvílovák 0/2/03 --
PdF:SZ6077Practicum at Environmental Education H. Horkák 0/2/03 --
53 credits

Oborová část

Compulsory courses

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
PdF:FC0001Methodology of Science H. Cídlovázk 2/0/1 12 hodin.5 5-
PdF:FC1001Introduction to Physics and Science T. Miléřzk 1/1/0 8 hodin.4 1-
PdF:FC1002Mathematics for Physics P. Sládekzk 2/2/0 12 hodin.5 1-
PdF:FC1006Electricity and Magnetism P. Sládekzk 2/0/0 12 hodin.4 3-
PdF:FC1007Electricity and Magnetism - Seminar L. Paweraz 0/2/0 8 hodin.2 3-
PdF:FC1008Teoretical Physics - Special Theory of Relativity J. Válekzk 1/1/0 8 hodin.3 3-
PdF:FC1009Laboratory Physics 1 L. Pawerak 0/0/2 8 hodin.3 3-
PdF:FC1013Microparticles Physics J. Válekzk 2/1/0 12 hodin.4 5-
PdF:FC1014Laboratory Physics 3 L. Pawerak 0/0/2 8 hodin.3 5-
PdF:FC0002Environmental Topics P. Sládekk 1/1/0 8 hodin.2 6-
PdF:FC1003Mechanics and Molecular Theory P. Sládekzk 3/0/0 12 hodin.5 2-
PdF:FC1004Mechanics and Molecular Theory - Seminar J. Válekz 0/2/0 8 hodin.2 2-
PdF:FC1005Mathematics for Physics 2 P. Sládekzk 1/1/0 8 hodin.3 2-
PdF:FC1010Vibrations and Waves P. Sládekzk 2/1/0 12 hodin.4 4-
PdF:FC1011Optics P. Sládekzk 1/1/0 12 hodin.3 4-
PdF:FC1012Laboratory Physics 2 L. Pawerak 0/0/2 8 hodin.3 4-
PdF:FC1015Astronomy & Astrophysics T. Miléřk 2/1/0 12 hodin.3 6-
PdF:FC1016Physical Exercises P. Sládekz 0/1/0 4 hodiny.2 6-
60 credits

Elective courses

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
PdF:FC0800The Digital Technology P. Sládekk 0/0/1 4 hodiny.3 --
PdF:FC1801Voluntary Physics L. Pawerak 0/0/1 4 hodiny.5 --
PdF:FC1802Laboratory Physics 1 - Seminar L. Paweraz 0/0/1 4 hodiny.2 --
PdF:FC1803Physics Excursion 1 J. Válekk 0/0/1 1den.3 --
PdF:FC1804Computers in Physics Teaching J. Válekk 0/0/1 4 hodiny.3 --
PdF:FC1805Terrain Physics Practice 1 L. Pawerak 0/0/1 1 den.3 --
PdF:FC1809Laboratory Physics 3 - Seminar L. Paweraz 0/0/1 4 hodiny.2 --
PdF:FC1810Applied Physics P. Sládekk 0/0/1 4 hodiny.3 --
PdF:FC1811Selected Chapters in Cosmology T. Miléřk 0/1/0 4 hodiny.3 --
PdF:FC8003Unsustainable Development of Humanity 1 T. Miléřk 0/0/1 4 hodiny.3 --
PdF:FC8006Edugames and YouTube Eduklips J. Válekk 0/0/2 4 hodiny.5 --
PdF:JV006English for Study Abroad R. Heroutz 0/2/03 --
PdF:JV007German for Study Abroad R. Heroutz 0/2/03 --
PdF:FC1806Laboratory Physics 2 - Seminar L. Paweraz 0/0/1 4 hodiny.3 --
PdF:FC1807Physical Excursion 2 J. Válekk 0/0/1 1 den.3 --
PdF:FC1808Terrain Physics Practice 2 L. Pawerak 0/0/1 1 den.3 --
PdF:FC1812Hygiene of School J. Šibork 0/0/2 4 hodiny.3 --
PdF:FC1813Environmental Workshop T. Miléřk 0/0/1 4 hodiny.3 --
PdF:FC1814Advanced Measurement Training P. Sládekk 0/0/1 4 hodiny.3 --
PdF:FC8004Unsustainable development of humanity 2 T. Miléřk 0/0/1 4 hodiny.3 --
PdF:JV005Entrance Test A2 - French R. Heroutz 0/0/0 Úvodní konzultace na začátku semestru, dále samostudium.1 --
63 credits

Bachelor's thesis

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
PdF:FC_BPpBachelor Thesis - Project J. Válekz 0/0/1 Individuální konzultace.2 4-
PdF:FC_BPBachelor Thesis J. Válekz 0/0/1 Individuální konzultace.2 5-
PdF:FC_BPdBachelor Thesis - Completion J. Válekz 0/0/1 Odevzdání BP.4 6-
8 credits

Foreign language

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
PdF:JVp001Entrance Test A2 - English R. Heroutz 0/0/0 Úvodní konzultace na začátku semestru, dále samostudium.1 1-
PdF:JVp011English for Teachers - A R. Heroutz 0/2/02 2-
PdF:JVp012English for Teachers - B R. Heroutzk 0/2/03 3-
6 credits

Sports activities

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
FSpS:P925Physical Education – Outdoor Sports Z. Zítkaz 0/2/01 1-
FSpS:p991Physical Education – Fitness A. Koblížkováz 0/2/01 1-
2 credits