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Intensive Czech Language Course for Foreigners - PRE-INTERMEDIATE (Spring 2020) – Early bird registration

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  • Intensive Czech Language Course for Foreigners - PRE-INTERMEDIATE

    Běžná cena: 2500 EUR

    The Intensive Czech language course for foreigners is designed as a 2nd semester preparation course for passing the entrance exams in Czech language to study programmes at universities in the Czech Republic.

    Masaryk University Language Centre
    27. 1. – 15. 6. 2020
    1-semester course
    Students who participated on the first semester of Intensive Czech language Course for Foreigners or with previous knowledge of Czech language.
    Spring term 2020 – General Czech + Czech for Specific Purposes (1/3 of the course)
    • Czech grammar, vocabulary pronunciation
    • Czech vocabulary as used in a particular field (medicine, engineering, humanities, etc.)
    • Czech pronunciation
    • Visiting university lectures and seminars

    Once in two weeks, students are offered a cultural programme (an exhibition, a movie, a lecture, etc.)

    • The possibility to study Czech language at a Language Centre of the renowned Masaryk University
    • 4 classes per weekday
    • 20 teaching hours per week (1 teaching hour = 50 minutes)
    • Quality tuition by highly experienced tutors
    • Textbooks and supplementary study material
    • Additional after-class or weekend leisure activities (an exhibition, a movie, a lecture, etc.)
    • Multi-cultural environment
    • Studying close to the city centre

    Cancelling participation and cancelling policy conditions

    The customer is entitled to cancel his/her participation in written form by sending a message to the e-mail address The participation is cancelled at the moment this message is received. The customer will be refunded the amount paid less the following cancellation fees.

    Cancellation policy
    • 60% of the course price is reimbursed if the cancellation is notified no later than 31st December 2019. (Early bird registration cancellation fee: 920 EUR; Standard registration cancellation fee: 1000 EUR)
    • 40% of the course price is reimbursed if the cancellation is notified no later than 31st January 2020. (Early bird registration cancellation fee: 1380 EUR; Standard registration cancellation fee: 1500 EUR)
    • No conference fees are reimbursed if the cancellation is notified after 31st January 2020. (Early bird registration cancellation fee: 2300 EUR; Standard registration cancellation fee: 2500 EUR) The cancellation fees do not apply if the customer sends another participant as a substitute. If and only if students requiring a visa are refused one, the course price is reimbursed (purchased service), under the condition that they provide us with a confirmation of the visa refusal. The money will be returned by bank transfer only.

    Cancellation of the course

    In case the minimum number of participants is not fulfilled, the Language Centre MU is entitled to cancel the course. The notice of cancellation will be send to the customer to the e-mail address specified in the application no later than 31st January 2020. In case the course is cancelled, the customers will be refunded the full amount of the payment.

    If the refunded fee is to be transferred to a bank account, the applicant is required to pay the bank charges.
    Registration for the course does not guarantee that the course will run. Accepted participants should receive a confirmation that the course will run by the course organizer before they purchase their travel ticket.

Celková cena: 2 300 EUR vč. DPH