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International conference Exploring Language for Specific Purposes in Business and Economics at Tertiary Level - early bird registartion (EUR)

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  • Exploring Language for Specific Purposes in Business and Economics at Tertiary Level

    Běžná cena: 30 EUR (včetně 21 % DPH)

    The aim of the conference is to bring together professionals from amongst LSP teachers of English, German, French, Spanish and Russian at tertiary education institutions in the Czech Republic and neighbouring countries in order to share knowledge and experience, and examine the latest trends in teaching LSP. We hope to establish a platform for in-depth discussions ranging from the role of business language teachers of millennial students, through methods and techniques that shape the modern classroom to material design and assessment tools.

    6 September 2019
    Faculty of Economics and Administration, Masaryk University, Lipová 41a, Brno, Czech republic

Celková cena: 25 EUR vč. DPH