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IAICS Brno 2019: Evening in the Abbey

Tato nabídka není nyní v prodeji.

    Saturday 13th July, start 19:00; The grounds of the Augustinian Abbey will form the backdrop for an evening full of culture and local flavours. The Abbey hosts the Mendel Museum of Masaryk University devoted to the founders of genetics, first and foremost Johann Mendel Gregor who was probably the Abbey's most famous resident. The Abbey Library is full of precious manuscripts that illustrate the importance of Brno as a centre of learning and a cultural hub. Culinary culture will form an important part of the evening - with an offer of local specialities - and you will also have a chance to taste wines from a South Moravian winery. An evening of culture cannot lack music - a string quartet will introduce you to music composed by famous locals as well as to a variety of folk tunes.

    How to order a ticket for the Additional Programme?
    Please note that an individual order must be created for each person.
    A ticket for the Additional programme can only be bought with the conference fee. Please see an example below:
    If you are a conference participant (IAICS member) and you want your spouse to join you for the Additional programme, please follow this procedure:

    1. Create one order for yourself, choose conference fee "IAICS member", then you can choose Saturday dinner in Abbey and/or one of the Sunday's city tours. Complete the order.
    2. Create a new order for your spouse, choose conference fee "Spouses", then you can choose Saturday dinner in Abbey and/or one of the Sunday's city tours. Complete the order.

Celková cena: 55 EUR vč. DPH