angličtinaPřihlášení do IS MU

12th International Conference on Kinanthropology “Sport and Quality of Life” – Active participant

Tato nabídka není nyní v prodeji.

Date: November 7-9 2019

Venue: Faculty of Sports Studies, University Campus Brno

Language: English


    For confirmation that the amount was put to MU account please follow aplication My orders. You can print an invoice after ordering the payment. If you need the invoice for your institution, please pay special attention to billing information.

    Registration package participant includes:
    • Active participation at the Conference - 2 papers submission
    • Access to Opening Ceremony, Coffee breaks and Social Evening
    • Book of Abstracts and Conference Proceedings
    • Certificate of Participation at the Conference
    • Members of the Czech Kinantropology Association

Celková cena: 5 200 Kč vč. DPH