angličtinaPřihlášení do IS MU

Dar - pořádání konference Agora

Dar bude použit na zajištění organizace konference Agora, nejedná se o účastnický poplatek.

  • Donation - organizing the Agora conference

    Agora is a two-day conference on information and communication technologies for users with visual impairments, which has been organised by the Teiresias Centre of Masaryk University in its premises on Komenského náměstí 2 in Brno since 2015.

    The aim of Agora is to increase the digital literacy of users with severe visual impairment and thus enable them to fully use the possibilities offered by currently available information and communication technologies to compensate for their severe visual impairment.

Celková cena: libovolná částka  
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