angličtinaPřihlášení do IS MU

Stress-free and Mindful, 04.-08.12.2023 (1st instalment)

Tato nabídka není nyní v prodeji.

Stress-free and Mindful is a 5-day intensive training course attended by international participants (academic and non-academic staff), but is also open to other participants from public.
The language of communication in this course is English.

Complete information about this course can be found on this page

The goals of the course:

The main purpose of this intensive training course is to provide you with the know-how needed to handle stress, stay grounded and in the present moment. The training will focus on different situations that provoke stress reactions - these will be thoroughly explained also from the scientific point of view. We will go through various techniques of stress handling and different mindfulness methods will be introduced and exercised.

Participants of the course:

The course is designed for anyone interested in active work on themselves, with need/desire to take a break from "real" problems and to have a better life.

Course content:

The program of the training course will be very interactive and will include topics and activities like: forms of stress, its effects and symptoms, working under stress, acute and chronic stress, Mindfulness, Mindfulness principles, different meditation techniques, breathing excercises, stress and time management, past and future influences, thinking patterns, yoga.

Dates and schedule:

4th to 8th December 2023

Participation fee:

special offer 400 EUR (standard price 500 EUR)
- includes training course program, all materials in and after the sessions, guidance and willingness to help and enjoy your stay in Brno, welcome package, online informational guide with everything you need to know ahead your arrival, organisational and lecturer fee and a “ticket” to beautiful Christmas markets and city of Brno

The fee is paid in 2 instalments:

1st instalment: 200 EUR (to be paid by 20th November 2023, in order to ensure your place in the group)
2nd instalment: 200 EUR (to be paid one week prior to the start of the training course at the latest)

It is possible to use grant support (e.g. from Erasmus Staff Mobility) to cover the participation fee.

What is NOT included in the fee

Travel costs, Accommodation in Brno, Meals, Insurance

More information: PHARM MUNI website
Contact: Filip Knazek, e-mail:, phone: +420 776 330 522

Each bank has different transfer charge for international payments, please check it at your local bank.
Therefore, while sending the participation fee, please send higher amout than the fee itself, meaning 200 EUR + the charge for international payments .
We need to receive the full amount of the participation fee = 200 EUR, other way your order will not be accepted!

Celková cena: 200 EUR vč. DPH