PrF TRPR01 Criminal Law
Name in Czech: Trestní právo
doctoral full-time, language of instruction: Czech Czech
Included in the programme: PrF TRPR_ Criminal Law

Study-related information

  • Requirements of the study
    Structure of subjects was chosen in order to achieve aims and outputs of study as well as possible. Subjects are divided into three groups:
    1. Mandatory individualized activities (they are evaluated by supervisor, eventually by the Study Board on the proposal of supervisor) – totally 180 ECTS.
    - fulfilment of individual study plan I-VIII – dissertation (140 ECTS): content of subject will be always specified in individual study plan of student for relevant semester in cooperation with supervisor and it will arise from principles stated by the Study Board. It will contain e.g. elaboration of project of dissertation thesis, determination of methodology, literature research, study of literature, presentation of condition of elaboration of dissertation topic at doctoral seminar, creation of particular chapters of dissertation thesis, presentation of concrete conclusions at conferences or in form of publication outputs, submitting of dissertation concept for comments etc. At the end, it will result in submission of dissertation thesis. Part of individual study plan will be also so-called milestones, i.e. fulfilments necessary for further advance in the study.
    - specialized publication (mandatorily at least 20 ECTS) – student will have possibility to choose difficulty of publication output from three categories (A=15 ECTS, B=10 ECTS, C=5 ECTS). Each category is defined by the Study Board. There has to be at least one output from category A or B during the study.
    - presentation at the conference (2 ECTS),
    - development of pedagogical skills I-VI (12 ECTS) – subjects including pedagogical activity of doctoral student that contain teaching and other assistant pedagogical activities (creation of study materials or exam questions, correction of written works etc.),
    - internationalization (6 ECTS) – it consists of foreign internship (in complex length of 30 calendar days) or participation in the international project or in other form of direct participation in international cooperation. Conditions will be set by the Study Board. Content of subject will be specified in individual study plan of student.
    2. Field of specialization = subjects of criminal law and its wider scientific basis that arise from requirements and specifics of field (it is evaluated by supervisor) – totally 48 ECTS.
    - Substantive Criminal Law I – VI (18 ECTS)
    - Procedural Criminal Law I – VI (18 ECTS)
    - Criminology I – VI (6 ECTS)
    - Criminalistics I – VI (6 ECTS)
    These subjects are conceived as mandatory. They are intended to profound theoretical basis of criminal law and relevant non-legal scientific disciplines as well as to provide methodological basis specific for science of criminal law, what is necessary for both writing of dissertation thesis and for passing the state doctoral exam.
    3. Common basis (it is organized by faculty, evaluated by supervisor) – 12 ECTS
    a) Mandatory subjects
    - foreign language I + II (4 ECTS)
    - second foreign language (2 ECTS) – ability to read specialized texts
    b) Mandatorily-optional subjects
    Methodological subjects are conceived as mandatorily-optional. Student chooses at least three subjects according to his (her) needs, as well as scope and intended methodology of his (her) dissertation thesis in cooperation with his supervisor.
    There are also other subjects offered. These are focused on development of pedagogical and presentation skills, principles of publication or grant and project preparation, eventually courses taught by foreign lectors.
    Doctoral study is subject to ECTS credit system and it is necessary to obtain 240 ECTS for its successful passing. Credit system is applied according to the rules set by Masaryk University.
  • Proposal of dissertation topics and topics of defended dissertations
    Topic of dissertation thesis is proposed by applicants themselves. Debate on topic and project of dissertation thesis is part of admission exam. In case of admission of the applicant to study, the topic of dissertation is included in his (her) individual study plan and it is authorized by the Study Board. At least at the end of the 2nd semester, concrete aim and title of dissertation thesis have to be specified within the scope of its topic.

Recommended progress through the study plan

Compulsory courses

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
PrF:DI1DIS01Dissertation - Individual Study Plan I J. Šilhánk 0/0/012 1-
PrF:DI1PED01Development of Pedagogical Skills I J. Šilhánz 0/0/02 1-
PrF:DI2DIS02Dissertation - Individual Study Plan II J. Šilhánk 0/0/015 2-
PrF:DI2PED02Development of Pedagogical Skills II J. Šilhánz 0/0/02 2-
PrF:DI3DIS03Dissertation - Individual Study Plan III J. Šilhánk 0/0/016 3-
PrF:DI3PED03Development of Pedagogical Skills III J. Šilhánz 0/0/02 3-
PrF:DI4DIS04Dissertation - Individual Study Plan IV J. Šilhánk 0/0/017 4-
PrF:DI4PED04Development of Pedagogical Skills IV J. Šilhánz 0/0/02 4-
PrF:DI5DIS05Dissertation - Individual Study Plan V J. Šilhánk 0/0/017 5-
PrF:DI5PED05Development of Pedagogical Skills V J. Šilhánz 0/0/02 5-
PrF:DI6DIS06Dissertation - Individual Study Plan VI J. Šilhánk 0/0/018 6-
PrF:DI6PED06Development of Pedagogical Skills VI J. Šilhánz 0/0/02 6-
PrF:DI7DIS07Dissertation - Individual Study Plan VII J. Šilhánk 0/0/025 7-
PrF:DI8DIS08Dissertation - Individual Study Plan VIII J. Šilhánk 0/0/020 8-
PrF:DIINTERInternacionalization J. Šilhánz 0/0/06 --
PrF:DIKONFConference Presentation J. Šilhánz 0/0/02 --
PrF:DIPUBScientific publication A, B, C J. Šilhánz 0/0/0- --
PrF:DSANG1English I R. Šimekz 0/0/02 --
PrF:DSANG2English II R. Šimekzk 0/0/02 --
PrF:DSDANG3Second Language - Englisch R. Šimekk 0/0/02 --
PrF:DSDFRA3Second Language - French K. Sedláčkovák 0/0/02 --
PrF:DSDNEM3Second Language - German B. Strážnickák 0/0/02 --
PrF:DSFRA1French I K. Sedláčkováz 0/0/02 --
PrF:DSFRA2French II K. Sedláčkovázk 0/0/02 --
PrF:DSNEM1German I B. Strážnickáz 0/0/02 --
PrF:DSNEM2German II B. Strážnickázk 0/0/02 --
PrF:DSPVP01Jurisprudence and legal research - methodological approaches M. Škopz 0/0/02 --
PrF:DSPVP02Working with resources J. Kotásekz 0/0/02 --
182 credits

Selective courses

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
PrF:DSPVP03Presentation and Pedagogical Skills J. Šilhánz 0/0/02 --
PrF:DSPVP04Historical Research in Law J. Tauchenz 0/0/02 --
PrF:DSPVP05Social Science Methods in Law D. Kosařz 0/0/02 --
PrF:DSPVP06Legal argumentation T. Sobekz 0/0/02 --
PrF:DSPVP07Grant and Project Preparation J. Šilhánz 0/0/02 --
10 credits

Elective courses

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
PrF:DIV7PED07Development of Pedagogical Skills VII J. Šilhánz 0/0/02 7-
PrF:DIV8PED08Development of Pedagogical Skills VIII J. Šilhánz 0/0/02 8-
4 credits

Oborové předměty

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
PrF:DO1TRPR01Criminal Law Substantive I V. Kalvodováz 0/0/03 1-
PrF:DO1TRPR02Criminal Procedure I J. Fenykz 0/0/03 1-
PrF:DO1TRPR05Criminology I J. Kuchtaz 0/0/02 1-
PrF:DO2TRPR01Criminal Law Substantive II V. Kalvodováz 0/0/03 2-
PrF:DO2TRPR02Criminal Procedure II J. Fenykz 0/0/03 2-
PrF:DO2TRPR05Criminology II J. Kuchtaz 0/0/02 2-
PrF:DO3TRPR01Criminal Law Substantive III V. Kalvodováz 0/0/03 3-
PrF:DO3TRPR02Crriminal Procedure III J. Fenykz 0/0/03 3-
PrF:DO3TRPR05Criminology III J. Kuchtaz 0/0/02 3-
PrF:DO4TRPR01Criminal Law Substantive IV V. Kalvodováz 0/0/03 4-
PrF:DO4TRPR02Criminal Procedure IV J. Fenykz 0/0/03 4-
PrF:DO4TRPR06Criminalistics I M. Fryštákz 0/0/02 4-
PrF:DO5TRPR01Criminal Law Substantive V V. Kalvodováz 0/0/03 5-
PrF:DO5TRPR02Criminal Procedure V J. Fenykz 0/0/03 5-
PrF:DO5TRPR06Criminalistics II M. Fryštákz 0/0/02 5-
PrF:DO6TRPR01Criminal Law Substantive VI V. Kalvodováz 0/0/03 6-
PrF:DO6TRPR02Criminal Procedure VI J. Fenykz 0/0/03 6-
PrF:DO6TRPR06Criminalistics III M. Fryštákz 0/0/02 6-
48 credits