PrF USPS01 Constitutional Law and Theory of State (jednooborový)
Name in Czech: Ústavní právo a státověda
doctoral full-time, language of instruction: Czech Czech
Included in the programme: PrF USPS_ Constitutional Law and Theory of State

Study-related information

  • Final state doctoral examination and defence of the doctoral thesis
    Although the key task of the PhD student is to create a good dissertation, it must be taken into account that for a successful post-graduate program, it is necessary for a PhD student to posses deep knowledge of the general field of study (not only in a narrow dissertation topic); this level of knowledge has to be significantly higher than the one required from a Master’s student. The state doctoral exam aims to verify this level of knowledge (academic literacy) and the general orientation of the doctoral student in the field of comparative constitutional law.

    The state doctoral exam may take place after only upon completion all compulsory cpourses of the program. It is typically assumed that the State Doctoral Examination will be held together with the defense of the dissertation thesis.

Recommended progress through the study plan

Compulsory courses

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
PrF:DI1DIS01Dissertation - Individual Study Plan I J. Šilhánk 0/0/012 1-
PrF:DI1PED01Development of Pedagogical Skills I J. Šilhánz 0/0/02 1-
PrF:DI2DIS02Dissertation - Individual Study Plan II J. Šilhánk 0/0/015 2-
PrF:DI2PED02Development of Pedagogical Skills II J. Šilhánz 0/0/02 2-
PrF:DI3DIS03Dissertation - Individual Study Plan III J. Šilhánk 0/0/016 3-
PrF:DI3PED03Development of Pedagogical Skills III J. Šilhánz 0/0/02 3-
PrF:DI4DIS04Dissertation - Individual Study Plan IV J. Šilhánk 0/0/017 4-
PrF:DI4PED04Development of Pedagogical Skills IV J. Šilhánz 0/0/02 4-
PrF:DI5DIS05Dissertation - Individual Study Plan V J. Šilhánk 0/0/017 5-
PrF:DI5PED05Development of Pedagogical Skills V J. Šilhánz 0/0/02 5-
PrF:DI6DIS06Dissertation - Individual Study Plan VI J. Šilhánk 0/0/018 6-
PrF:DI6PED06Development of Pedagogical Skills VI J. Šilhánz 0/0/02 6-
PrF:DI7DIS07Dissertation - Individual Study Plan VII J. Šilhánk 0/0/025 7-
PrF:DI8DIS08Dissertation - Individual Study Plan VIII J. Šilhánk 0/0/020 8-
PrF:DIINTERInternacionalization J. Šilhánz 0/0/06 --
PrF:DIKONFConference Presentation J. Šilhánz 0/0/02 --
PrF:DIPUBScientific publication A, B, C J. Šilhánz 0/0/0- --
PrF:DO1USPS01Theory of State I. J. Benákz 0/0/08 1-
PrF:DO2USPS01Theory of State II. J. Benákz 0/0/08 2-
PrF:DO2USPS02Constitutional Law I. J. Benákz 0/0/08 2-
PrF:DO3USPS02Constitutional Law II. J. Benákz 0/0/08 3-
PrF:DO4USPS02Constitutional Law III. J. Benákz 0/0/08 4-
PrF:DO5USPS02Constitutional Law IV. J. Benákz 0/0/08 5-
PrF:DSANG1English I R. Šimekz 0/0/02 --
PrF:DSANG2English II R. Šimekzk 0/0/02 --
PrF:DSFRA1French I K. Sedláčkováz 0/0/02 --
PrF:DSFRA2French II K. Sedláčkovázk 0/0/02 --
PrF:DSNEM1German I B. Strážnickáz 0/0/02 --
PrF:DSNEM2German II B. Strážnickázk 0/0/02 --
220 credits

Selective courses

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
PrF:DSDANG3Second Language - Englisch R. Šimekk 0/0/02 --
PrF:DSDFRA3Second Language - French K. Sedláčkovák 0/0/02 --
PrF:DSDNEM3Second Language - German B. Strážnickák 0/0/02 --
PrF:DSPVP01Jurisprudence and legal research - methodological approaches M. Škopz 0/0/02 --
PrF:DSPVP02Working with resources J. Kotásekz 0/0/02 --
PrF:DSPVP03Presentation and Pedagogical Skills J. Šilhánz 0/0/02 --
PrF:DSPVP04Historical Research in Law J. Tauchenz 0/0/02 --
PrF:DSPVP05Social Science Methods in Law D. Kosařz 0/0/02 --
PrF:DSPVP06Legal argumentation T. Sobekz 0/0/02 --
PrF:DSPVP07Grant and Project Preparation J. Šilhánz 0/0/02 --
20 credits

Elective courses

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
PrF:DIV7PED07Development of Pedagogical Skills VII J. Šilhánz 0/0/02 --
PrF:DIV8PED08Development of Pedagogical Skills VIII J. Šilhánz 0/0/02 --
4 credits