
Study plan is inactive.

PrF MEPS06 Private International Law (inactive)
Name in Czech: Mezinárodní právo soukromé
doctoral full-time, language of instruction: Czech Czech
Included in the programme: PrF MEPS_ Private International Law

Recommended progress through the study plan

Compulsory courses

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
PrF:DI1DIS01Dissertation - Individual Study Plan I J. Šilhánk 0/0/012 1-
PrF:DI1PED01Development of Pedagogical Skills I J. Šilhánz 0/0/02 1-
PrF:DI2DIS02Dissertation - Individual Study Plan II J. Šilhánk 0/0/015 2-
PrF:DI2PED02Development of Pedagogical Skills II J. Šilhánz 0/0/02 2-
PrF:DI3DIS03Dissertation - Individual Study Plan III J. Šilhánk 0/0/016 3-
PrF:DI3PED03Development of Pedagogical Skills III J. Šilhánz 0/0/02 3-
PrF:DI4DIS04Dissertation - Individual Study Plan IV J. Šilhánk 0/0/017 4-
PrF:DI4PED04Development of Pedagogical Skills IV J. Šilhánz 0/0/02 4-
PrF:DI5DIS05Dissertation - Individual Study Plan V J. Šilhánk 0/0/017 5-
PrF:DI5PED05Development of Pedagogical Skills V J. Šilhánz 0/0/02 5-
PrF:DI6DIS06Dissertation - Individual Study Plan VI J. Šilhánk 0/0/018 6-
PrF:DI6PED06Development of Pedagogical Skills VI J. Šilhánz 0/0/02 6-
PrF:DI7DIS07Dissertation - Individual Study Plan VII J. Šilhánk 0/0/025 7-
PrF:DI8DIS08Dissertation - Individual Study Plan VIII J. Šilhánk 0/0/020 8-
PrF:DIINTERInternacionalization J. Šilhánz 0/0/06 --
PrF:DIKONFConference Presentation J. Šilhánz 0/0/02 --
PrF:DIPUBScientific publication A, B, C J. Šilhánz 0/0/0- --
PrF:DO1MPS1Lex mercatoria - Doctrine and Development N. Rozehnalovák 0/0/0 6 setkání po 2 hodinách.3 1-
PrF:DO1MPS2Doctrine of Private International Law until 19 century (incl.) T. Kyselovskák 0/0/03 1-
PrF:DO2MPS1Doctrines and Aproaches in Private International Law N. Rozehnalovák 0/0/04 2-
PrF:DO2MPS2Public interest from the private international law perspective J. Valdhansk 0/0/04 2-
PrF:DO3MPS1General Part of Private International Law N. Rozehnalovák 0/0/0 5 setkání po 2 hodinách.4 3-
PrF:DO3MPS2Institutes of International Procedural Law K. Drličkovák 0/0/04 3-
PrF:DO4MPS1Choice of Law in Contracts N. Rozehnalovák in blocks - 5 krát 2 hodiny za semestr3 4-
PrF:DO4MPS2Conflict-law-rules on non-contractual obligations J. Valdhansk 0/0/03 4-
PrF:DO5MPS1Private International and Intellectual Property Rights T. Kyselovskák 0/0/03 5-
PrF:DO6MPS1Doctrines of International Commercial Arbitration K. Drličkovák 0/0/04 6-
PrF:DSANG1English I R. Šimekz 0/0/02 --
PrF:DSANG2English II R. Šimekzk 0/0/02 --
PrF:DSDANG3Second Language - Englisch R. Šimekk 0/0/02 --
PrF:DSDFRA3Second Language - French K. Sedláčkovák 0/0/02 --
PrF:DSDNEM3Second Language - German B. Strážnickák 0/0/02 --
PrF:DSFRA1French I K. Sedláčkováz 0/0/02 --
PrF:DSFRA2French II K. Sedláčkovázk 0/0/02 --
PrF:DSNEM1German I B. Strážnickáz 0/0/02 --
PrF:DSNEM2German II B. Strážnickázk 0/0/02 --
213 credits

Selective courses

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
PrF:DSPVP01Jurisprudence and legal research - methodological approaches M. Škopz 0/0/02 --
PrF:DSPVP02Working with resources J. Kotásekz 0/0/02 --
PrF:DSPVP03Presentation and Pedagogical Skills J. Šilhánz 0/0/02 --
PrF:DSPVP04Historical Research in Law J. Tauchenz 0/0/02 --
PrF:DSPVP05Social Science Methods in Law D. Kosařz 0/0/02 --
PrF:DSPVP06Legal argumentation T. Sobekz 0/0/02 --
PrF:DSPVP07Grant and Project Preparation J. Šilhánz 0/0/02 --
14 credits

Povinně volitelné předměty oborové

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
PrF:DOPVPM01Selected Questions of Uniform Substantive Law K. Drličkovák 0/0/03 --
PrF:DOPVPM02Moot court - assistance with coaching of the students participating in international competition K. Drličkovák 0/0/03 --
PrF:DOPVPM03Analysis of the Court of Justice of the EU case law T. Kyselovskák 0/0/03 --
PrF:DOPVPM04International Arbitration - Selected Questions N. Rozehnalovák 0/0/0 6 setkání po 4 hodinách.3 --
PrF:DOPVPM05Methodology of Teaching of Written Exam Test N. Rozehnalovák 0/0/0 4 setkání po 4 hodinách.3 --
PrF:DOPVPM06Law of World Trade Organisation N. Rozehnalovák 0/0/0 6 setkání po 4 hodinách.3 --
PrF:DOPVPM07Sources of Law of International Family Law T. Kyselovskák 0/0/03 --
PrF:DOPVPM08Moot court - assistance with coaching of the students participating in international competition K. Drličkovák 0/03 --
PrF:DOPVPM09Private International Law in International Commercial Arbitration K. Drličkovák 0/03 --
PrF:DOPVPM10Analysis of the Court of Justice of the EU case law J. Valdhansk 0/0/03 --
PrF:DOPVPM11Court Decision from the cross-border perspective J. Valdhansk 0/0/03 --
PrF:DOPVPM12Electronization and Private International Law T. Kyselovskák 0/0/03 --
36 credits

Elective courses

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
PrF:DIV7PED07Development of Pedagogical Skills VII J. Šilhánz 0/0/02 7-
PrF:DIV8PED08Development of Pedagogical Skills VIII J. Šilhánz 0/0/02 8-
4 credits