
Study plan is inactive.

PrF DPRP06 History of Law (inactive)
Name in Czech: Dějiny práva
doctoral full-time specialized, language of instruction: Czech Czech
Included in the programme: PrF DPRP_ History of Law and Roman Law

Study-related information

  • Final state doctoral examination and defence of the doctoral thesis
    The final state doctoral examination is a complex exam of all subjects taught in the corresponding specialization apart from a world language. During the exam, the student proves deeper theoretical knowledge in the corresponding field of study and his wider scientific basis, capability to acquire new scientific knowledge, evaluate them and use them in a creative way.
    Part of the final state doctoral examination is a discussion about submitted theses of the doctoral thesis.
    The student must hand in these theses at the latest with the application for the final state doctoral examination.
    Other requirements are established by the subject committee of the corresponding field of study.
    The student can apply for the final state doctoral examination at the earliest in the 6. and at the latest in the 8. semester. The application for the final state doctoral examination is submitted in writing after fulfilling all of the subjects of the 1. to 6. semester (including).

    In the doctoral thesis, the student presents outcomes he gained during the study in the programme. The thesis has to contain original and published outcomes or outcomes approved to be published.
    Filing the application for the defence is conditioned by previous successful passing the final state doctoral examination or simultaneous filing an application for the final state doctoral examination – in this case, the defence and the final state doctoral examination take place in one day.
    Deadlines for filing the applications for the defence of the doctoral thesis are as follows:
  • for the spring semester until 31st of January of the preceding autumn semester,

  • for the autumn semester until 30th of June of the preceding spring semester.

    As a condition to admission to the defence, the student must reach the amount of 5 publishing outcomes (detailed conditions are established by the subject council).
  • Requirements of the study
    Research activities:
  • Preparation of the doctoral thesis – it takes places during the whole time of the study and it accounts for min. 60 % of the workload

  • Publishing activity – consists of at least 5 articles in journals or almanacs (alternatively of chapters in monographs) and it accounts for 10 % of the workload

  • Pedagogical activity (participating in the tuition) – the postgraduate student can participate in holding seminars or preparing materials for the tuition – it accounts for 10 % of the workload

  • Attendance at a conference – it is necessary to prove an active attendance at at least two conferences

  • Foreign educational stay – is a part of the subject Internationalisation which is compulsory for the student to enrol in from the second to the seventh semester of the study. The foreign educational stay can be replaced by an active engagement in an international research project or by an active attendance at a conference abroad.

    Specialized subjects (max. 20 % of the workload in total): for a detailed list see the study schedule.
  • Proposal of dissertation topics and topics of defended dissertations
    In the last ten years, there were defended for example these doctoral theses:
  • Tauchen, Jaromír: History of Criminal Justice in Germany 1933 - 1945, archive: http://is.muni.cz/th/laea6/

  • Horáková, Monika: The reflection of totalitarism in Czechoslovak legislation of 30s 20th century, archive: http://is.muni.cz/th/x16jl/

  • Emmert, František: Evolution of the Legal Institute of State Citizenship in the Territory of Today`s Czech Republic, archive: http://is.muni.cz/th/ya1rf/

  • Razim, Jakub: Legal relationship between Czech lands and Holy Roman Empire in the Era of Přemyslids with special regard to the succes, archive: http://is.muni.cz/th/mr8og/

  • Kazda, Jan: Anti-jewish legislation in the Slovak republic and in the Protectorate Bohemia and Moravia – comparative analysis, archive: http://is.muni.cz/th/wz4zx/