
Study plan is inactive.

PrF OBCP11 Procedural Civil Law (inactive)
Name in Czech: Civilní právo procesní
doctoral combined specialized, language of instruction: Czech Czech
Included in the programme: PrF OBCP_ Civil Law and Civil procedure Law

Study-related information

  • Final state doctoral examination and defence of the doctoral thesis
    The state doctoral examination is performed in the field of civil procedural law, taking into account the focus of the doctoral thesis. The exam is to prove that the PhD student has a sufficient overview of the whole field and is able to orientate well in it, including more detailed knowledge of basic institutes. Two more general questions are considered in the exam. The examination takes the form of a debate. Not only the specific knowledge but also the overall overview of the doctoral student within the context of the field are evaluated. For this reason, questions or circuits will not be set in advance, as is the case with progress examinations in bachelor or master studies; a graduate of the doctoral program should have an overview of the entire field without such aids.
    The defense of the dissertation is carried out in such a way that the doctoral student will present his / her work briefly, possibly using a PowerPoint presentation. Furthermore, the PhD student responds to the comments made in the opinions and to questions or suggestions raised by the member of the Commission.
  • Requirements of the study
    Research Activities:
    Preparation of the dissertation - takes place throughout the study period and consists of min. 60% of workload. Preparatory work is characterized for each semester or quantitative requirements are set (ie how many pages the student has to write for the semester). In the 7th semester, a preliminary discussion about the dissertation will be held, which will provide the doctoral student with further feedback on the final wording of the dissertation.
    Publications - A distinction will be made between publications A to C. The Doctoral Board should define what falls within each category. It will also evaluate the publication on the proposal of the teacher. The definition of each category will always be accompanied by at least two typical examples of publications that fall into the category, so that students know in advance what is expected of them. For A there will be 15 credits, for B 10, for C 5; what cannot be included in C is 0. For the whole study, a student must have at least one A or B publication, and at least 20 credits in total.
    Educational activity (participation in teaching) - Educational activity means not only the student's direct involvement in teaching, but also other indirect forms of participation in the teaching process. It is assumed that in the first two semesters students will only get to know and analyse how to lead seminar lessons. In principle, direct teaching should only be possible from the third semester under the following conditions:
    - at least initially under the guidance of a supervisor
    - according to the principles contained in their individual study plan
    - not more than 2 lessons/semester
    - max. 25 lessons (100 min. blocks) for the whole study
    - possible further instruction only by agreement
    Internationalization - study at a foreign institution of a total duration of at least one month or participation in an international creative project with results published or presented abroad. The Board may also stipulate other forms of direct student participation in international cooperation that meet the requirements of legal regulations, conditions of accreditation and which fulfil the purpose of internationalization of the doctoral degree program.
    Attendance at the conference - The student must present at least one article at the conference orally at the conference and then publish his contribution in the reviewed proceedings of this conference.
    There are two kinds of expert subjects: First of all, subjects that express the common legal basis of both specializations; these items are mandatory. These are then followed by courses that correspond to the student's specialization in civil law or civil procedure law. The composition of these subjects is therefore different for each specialization. It is common to them that the subjects are always divided into compulsory and compulsory optional. Compulsory subjects reflect the basic focus of the specialization. Therefore, civil law I to VI is a compulsory subject for specialization civil law; civil procedure law I to VI is a compulsory subject for specialization civil procedural law. In the seventh and eighth semesters no longer counts on teaching; these semesters should be reserved for finalizing the dissertation and preparing for the state doctoral exam.
  • Proposal of dissertation topics and topics of defended dissertations
    The procedural relation
    Assets in bankruptcy
    Questions of jurisdiction between civil law
    Professional rules of conduct of attorneys and disciplinary proceedings as a result of breach of duties of an attorney within the legislation of the Czech Republic
    Protection of the Third Party in the Distrainment

Recommended progress through the study plan

Compulsory courses

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
PrF:DI1DIS01Dissertation - Individual Study Plan I J. Šilhánk 0/0/012 1-
PrF:DI1PED01Development of Pedagogical Skills I J. Šilhánz 0/0/02 1-
PrF:DI2DIS02Dissertation - Individual Study Plan II J. Šilhánk 0/0/015 2-
PrF:DI2PED02Development of Pedagogical Skills II J. Šilhánz 0/0/02 2-
PrF:DI3DIS03Dissertation - Individual Study Plan III J. Šilhánk 0/0/016 3-
PrF:DI3PED03Development of Pedagogical Skills III J. Šilhánz 0/0/02 3-
PrF:DI4DIS04Dissertation - Individual Study Plan IV J. Šilhánk 0/0/017 4-
PrF:DI4PED04Development of Pedagogical Skills IV J. Šilhánz 0/0/02 4-
PrF:DI5DIS05Dissertation - Individual Study Plan V J. Šilhánk 0/0/017 5-
PrF:DI5PED05Development of Pedagogical Skills V J. Šilhánz 0/0/02 5-
PrF:DI6DIS06Dissertation - Individual Study Plan VI J. Šilhánk 0/0/018 6-
PrF:DI6PED06Development of Pedagogical Skills VI J. Šilhánz 0/0/02 6-
PrF:DI7DIS07Dissertation - Individual Study Plan VII J. Šilhánk 0/0/025 7-
PrF:DI8DIS08Dissertation - Individual Study Plan VIII J. Šilhánk 0/0/020 8-
PrF:DIINTERInternacionalization J. Šilhánz 0/0/06 --
PrF:DIKONFConference Presentation J. Šilhánz 0/0/02 --
PrF:DIPUBScientific publication A, B, C J. Šilhánz 0/0/0- --
PrF:DO1OBC2Introduction to Private Law I. J. Hurdíkz 0/0/02 1-
PrF:DO1OBC3Substantive and Procedural Law P. Lavickýz 0/0/04 1-
PrF:DO1OBCP1Civil Procedure Law I. P. Lavickýz 0/0/04 1-
PrF:DO2OBC2Introduction to Private Law II. J. Hurdíkz 0/0/02 2-
PrF:DO2OBCP1Civil Procedure Law II. P. Lavickýz 0/0/04 2-
PrF:DO3OBCP1Civil Procedure Law III. P. Lavickýz 0/0/04 3-
PrF:DO4OBCP1Civil Procedure Law IV. P. Lavickýz 0/0/04 4-
PrF:DO5OBCP1Civil Procedure Law V. P. Lavickýz 0/0/04 5-
PrF:DO6OBCP1Civil Procedure Law VI. P. Lavickýz 0/0/04 6-
PrF:DSANG1English I R. Šimekz 0/0/02 --
PrF:DSANG2English II R. Šimekzk 0/0/02 --
PrF:DSDANG3Second Language - Englisch R. Šimekk 0/0/02 --
PrF:DSDFRA3Second Language - French K. Sedláčkovák 0/0/02 --
PrF:DSDNEM3Second Language - German B. Strážnickák 0/0/02 --
PrF:DSFRA1French I K. Sedláčkováz 0/0/02 --
PrF:DSFRA2French II K. Sedláčkovázk 0/0/02 --
PrF:DSNEM1German I B. Strážnickáz 0/0/02 --
PrF:DSNEM2German II B. Strážnickázk 0/0/02 --
210 credits

Selective courses

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
PrF:DSPVP01Jurisprudence and legal research - methodological approaches M. Škopz 0/0/02 --
PrF:DSPVP02Working with resources J. Kotásekz 0/0/02 --
PrF:DSPVP03Presentation and Pedagogical Skills J. Šilhánz 0/0/02 --
PrF:DSPVP04Historical Research in Law J. Tauchenz 0/0/02 --
PrF:DSPVP05Social Science Methods in Law D. Kosařz 0/0/02 --
PrF:DSPVP06Legal argumentation T. Sobekz 0/0/02 --
PrF:DSPVP07Grant and Project Preparation J. Šilhánz 0/0/02 --
14 credits

Povinně volitelné předměty oborové

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
PrF:DO2PVPCP1Enforcement Law I. P. Lavickýz 0/0/03 2-
PrF:DO2PVPCP2Non Contentious Proceedings I. P. Lavickýz 0/0/03 2-
PrF:DO3PVPCP1Enforcement Law P. Lavickýz 0/0/03 3-
PrF:DO3PVPCP2Non Contentious Proceedings P. Lavickýz 0/0/03 3-
PrF:DO4PVPCP3Insolvency Law I P. Lavickýz 0/0/03 4-
PrF:DO4PVPCP4Comparative Civil Procedure Law I E. Dobrovolnáz 0/0/03 4-
PrF:DO5PVPCP3Insolvency Law P. Lavickýz 0/0/03 5-
PrF:DO5PVPCP4Comparative Civil Procedure Law II E. Dobrovolnáz 0/0/03 5-
PrF:DO6PVPCP4Comparative Civil Procedure Law III E. Dobrovolnáz 0/0/03 6-
27 credits

Elective courses

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
PrF:DIV7PED07Development of Pedagogical Skills VII J. Šilhánz 0/0/02 7-
PrF:DIV8PED08Development of Pedagogical Skills VIII J. Šilhánz 0/0/02 8-
4 credits